Ch 41 | Bad Shape

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Y/N's POV:

"I want to like him but he's making it really hard," Granny sighs, taking a sip of her hot coffee.

"Maybe he's not terrible but he's definitely gaslighting you," Nina says, cupping her hand over yours. "He's the one who messed up and told someone your secret. You shouldn't have to feel bad for holding him accountable."

Iseul pats your back and says, "Just be careful. I think you're doing the right thing by not kicking him out completely, but you're keeping him at arm's length."

You groan and throw your head back, knowing she's right. "I don't know what to do," you frown. "Jimin is pissed off but it's not like there's anything I can do at this point. It's not like his behavior has warranted a restraining order or something."

After your dinner with Jum, you immediately called Jimin when you got home. A lot of the time he's unable to answer you, but he picked up really quickly this time. You both shared your locations and he knew exactly where you were, so he was probably waiting by the phone for your call.

Of course he was furious, giving you the "I told you so" speech when you relayed what was said. But the rest of the dinner was fine. He wasn't inappropriate at all and kept the conversation light and friendly.

Your only complaint is that he secretly paid the bill. When you called him out on it, he said it wasn't romantically motivated. He was the one who fucked up and owed you a meal as an apology.

South Korea has that type of culture so you decided to just shake it off. Buying someone a meal you feel guilty towards is quite common. There won't ever be another time that you grab dinner with him alone anyways so you let him have this one.

You boldly told Jum that you were getting back together with Jimin, but you two aren't officially a couple yet. He is still technically "hiding" a secret from you, and he knows you won't let him fully claim you as his until that's finally aired out.

But there's no rush. It's clear both you and Jimin are committed to each other and no one else. You're basically back together but you just won't give him the title of boyfriend yet.

Now it's the next day and you're grabbing brunch with Granny Soo-ah, Iseul, and Nina while Jia is at gymnastics practice. It's kind of nice to be out for a girl's day for the first time in a while. You're tired of men.

But all good things come to an end. Your phone lights up with a notification that Jia's practice ends in ten minutes.

"I need to get going," you sigh.

"Can I go with you?" Nina asks, standing up from her seat too. "I'm bored and don't have anything to do today."

Apparently Jimin is recording a new song for his solo album and doesn't require his makeup artist for the next couple of days. Namjoon must be busy as well since she's asking to tag along, but you don't mind the company. You've grown quite fond of Nina.

"Of course," you smile. "Jia would love to see you."

You give Iseul and Granny Soo-ah goodbye hugs. Iseul is scheduled to go into the bakery in an hour and Granny probably has a date with Mr. Song. She used to always tell you where she was going or what she was doing but now that old bag of bones is acting like a teenager that has to sneak around.

Which is odd, since you're actually very happy for her, but you aren't going to pressure her. There's got to be a reason why she doesn't want to share anything yet. You have a feeling it's her pride, because she swore up and down she'd never fall for someone again.

As you and Nina walk towards the gymnasium, the pedestrians around you can't help but stare. You two look like total opposites right now. She's dressed in all black with a charcoal beanie on, lots of black eyeliner, and her long black hair extending down to her torso. You're wearing a petal pink turtleneck and white puffy jacket with little to no makeup on, your hair tied up in a cute bun.

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