Ch 43 | Courage

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Y/N's POV:

"Jimin, I'm fine," you roll your eyes, watching him pace back and forth from your bed. "Please leave."

"How can I just leave you like this?" he asks angrily, stopping to glare at you. "You were almost hit by a car. You could've die-" He clears his throat when he sees Jia staring up at him with big eyes. "I mean, you could've gotten really hurt."

"But I didn't," you sigh, tapping the ice pack on your shoulder. There's a couple of pillows behind your back that's propping you up. "It's just a bruise. Dr. Choi said ice and pain meds for a week or two will heal me right up."

"She's in good hands," Granny Soo-ah assures him. She grabs Jia's hand and says, "Mama has her caretakers right here."

"Yeah," she giggles. "Mama will be all better soon. Don't worry Daddy."

Jimin groans and frustratedly runs his hand through his disheveled blonde hair. He's getting on your nerves but you can't deny that he looks hot as fuck in those gray sweatpants.

You got home about an hour ago and Jimin hasn't been able to calm down. Knowing him, he's probably convinced that this was an intentional hit and run, and you can't blame him for that. With his line of work, that thought isn't totally unreasonable.

But you just want to sleep. Your shoulder is aching a lot more than you're letting people believe and you're just waiting for the hydrocodone to knock you out. And you know Jimin has things scheduled today and you feel bad that he's missing them over a bruise.

"Jimin, I promise, I'm fine," you say to him, feeling your eyelids getting a little droopy. "Iseul knows the situation and is covering for me tomorrow. Plus, you'll see me in two days for Jia's gymnastics meet."

You let out a long yawn and wince from the pain, but the meds are actually starting to work and it doesn't hurt nearly as bad anymore. "Come on, let's go to my place and let Mama sleep," Granny says, picking Jia up in her arms. She bends over and lets you give her a kiss before letting Jimin do the same, and then the two of them head out of your room.

As soon as you hear the front door close, Jimin takes a seat on the mattress and cradles the back of your neck before leaning over to gently press his lips to yours like that's the only thing he's been thinking of for hours. Your eyes close as your heart flutters even though you're feeling sluggish and tired, and you let out a sleepy groan when he slides his tongue between your lips to taste you, but he keeps it shallow. He knows you're close to passing out.

"Fuck, don't ever scare me like that again," he breathes out, still holding your face and resting his forehead against yours. "You can't leave me again."

"I'm not going anywhere, Jimin," you mumble, feeling warm and fuzzy inside and out. "You're not getting rid of me anytime soon."

"Good," he says, pulling back to look in your eyes. "I love you. And once you're all better, I want us to talk. About everything."

"Everything?" you ask, slowly blinking your eyes as the meds really start pumping through you.

"Everything," he nods before pressing another kiss to your lips. "I'm still not sure what to do or where to go from here, but I want us to decide together. We're a team."

"Yeah," you smile, feeling so proud of him. "We're a team. I'm always on your side, Jimin."

Even in your delirious state, you know this wasn't any easy decision for him to make. He had to have spent weeks stressing over what to do. But he's choosing to trust you and walk through this adversity with you. He's finally realizing he doesn't have to carry this burden alone.

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