⇢๛𝕺𝖓𝖊 ๛⇠

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"The things that hurt you may have left scars, but they did not destroy you." She said taking a deep breath before talking again.

"You survived, and there Is hope in that." She then said finally, "know wake up already someone has been knocking at your bloody door for like 10 minutes now." She said with a sigh. "Alright well until next time then 𝓐𝓼𝓴."
Then he woke up...

"OWENNNNN!" A voice called out loudly. "Come in." Owen had said back still half asleep, he was sat on his bed rubbing his face to try and wake himself up, sadly it wasn't working when he looked up he saw a mad looking magic. "Whats wrong?" Owen said noticing the steam boiling off her skin like lava melting down the side off a erupting volcano.

"whats wrong? WHATS WRONG?!!!? IVE BEEN KNOCKING AT YOUR STUPID DOOR FOR THE PAST 30 MINUTES!!!!!" she said angrily grabbing one of Owens pillows and throwing it at him.

" Oh sorry magic i was asleep." " makes sense weirdo your such a heavy frickin sleeper." he let thats slide past cause in all honesty he was a pretty heavy sleeper he wouldn't wake up for nothing... well ok that wasn't true, the only thing that he would wake up easily to or for is.. Is.... 𝓐𝓹𝓸 ....He used to always wake up when Apo knocked on his door or came in and woke him up from a small nap.

He truly wanted Apo back, Ash had to keep going into his dreams just to help him get the Apo situation out of his head for the time being.

Its was truly sad to see.

" Oh right you can curse Magic the voices are asleep right know so you're fine to curse. " Magics eyes glowed as she began cussing her little heart out, which made Owen start laughing really hard.

They ended up leaving Owens house and going over to the campfire and just sitting there talking until Ori came over out of breath and said... "Owen! You need to go to the maze know cause i am 99.9% sure i heard Apo's voice!" Owen just stared at him for a second processing the name that had been haunting his mind ever since he left into the maze with Bekyamon.

Owens eyes felt watery but instead of acknowledging that he stood up rushing into the maze. It was already half way through the day so he had some time to do this.

He was running around the maze for awhile til he tripped over a vine but thank god he did because if he didn't he would have set of a trap that was at least 2 feets infront of him.

He stood up not caring the slightest if he had become injured from that, the only thing he cared about right then and rhere was finding Apo.

"APO!!" he shouted, he heard it echo for a second and then he heard another voice

"Hello? o-Owen?!" someone said in a painfully familiar voice. "Sh!t APO!!!!!" he yelled once more following the voice. " im on the other side off this wall." he said. Owen was sobbing at this point, he just wanted to see his friend once more.

" ill meet you over there!!" Owen yelled beginning to run he ran so fast he didn't care if he sprung a trap he wanted Apo, he wanted his Bestfriend, He wanted his partner in crime, he wanted his constant, god he just wanted to see him again.

He dashed around a corner, when he stopped he saw a glimpse of a person before he was pummeled to the ground in a huge bear hug. "OWEN!!" Apo yelled digging his face into Owens collarbone. Owen could tell he was crying.

Wait hold o-

ɖąŋɠɛrơųʂ? I doubt it. //𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚂𝚖𝚙Where stories live. Discover now