⇢ღ 𝕿𝖜𝖔 ღ⇠

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Owen had just gotten out of a flash back. He know has all his memories back, but he also know has 𝖍𝖎𝖒 back in his head...

'ơῳɛŋŋ զųɛʂʂ ῳɧơʂ ცąƈƙ~' a voice said in his heard making him panic he got up pushing Apo off of him as quick as possible "huh? You ok Owen?" "No-no Apo stay-stay back! I-i don't wanna hurt you." Owen said in a frightened voice. Apo swore he saw Owens eye color chang from his usual black-ish brown to a bright orange.

'NO!! DON'T TOUCH HIM!!!' Owen yelled but nobody could hear him know only the voice 'ɖơŋɬ ῳơrrყ ı ῳơŋɬ ɖơ ąŋყɬɧıŋɠ ɬơ ცąɖ.' the voice said walking back to Apo. "Owen? No wait- not Owen, who are you?" Apo said on alert.

TIME SKIP (cause you already know what happens)

Basically 'Owen' kills Apo.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" Owen yelled out trying not to break down, this time people could hear him and by people I mean Magic, Ori, Soup, Rasbi, Guts, Kyle, and Acho.

'ɛ۷ɛrყơŋɛ ɧɛąrɖ ყơų, ყơų ƙŋơῳ?' the voice said. Owen didn't listen to the voice all he could think about was Apo he held Apo's head up and held on to his waist hugging him tightly.

"im sorry. Im sorry . Im so so sorry Apo." he whispered into his ear.

"its ok Owen i knew it wasn't you... You would never you have too big of a heart." he said laughing slightly while he held his hand over Owens heart.

"Owen?" Owen didn't budge he was to focused on Apo trying to make sure he didn't die.
"Omg! Is that Apo!" Rasbi yelled.

"Apo please don't leave me." Owen said slightly louder than he wanted to say it.
"Owen... Its ok you have everyone else still." Apo said know with the hand that was on Owen heart cupping Owens cheek.
"N-no no you don't understand i can't do this without you!" Owen basically yelled still not noticing the others that were just standing there.

"Come on it was bound to happen sometime soon." Apo said blood know streaming down his mouth and done his chin then his neck and then the floor.
"Apo no i-i can't i need you Apo!"

And just like that
Apo said

"Its better this way. A little bit lonelier
but better."

Owen saw the light in his eyes fading slowly.
He held onto Apo tightly crying as hard as he ever could cry.

' ųɧ ơɧ ῳɛƖƖ ıʂŋ'ɬ ɬɧąɬ ʝųʂɬ ʂơ ʂąɖ~' The voice said 'no i can't do this anymore first i thought he was dead and know he actually is! No no i can't i refuse!!!' he thought before grabbing the spear the voice had used to kill Apo and stabbed himself right in the heart with it.

"OWEN!!" they all yelled runing over to him
"WHY'D YOU DO THAT!!!!!" Someone said "i can't  do it without him, without him i will never forgive myself."

"Forgive yourself for what!!?" another voice said. Owen didn't answer them.

And with that he took out the spear and blood started gushing out and Owen smiled.

Then his vision slowly faded away, until everything turned black.

ɖąŋɠɛrơųʂ? I doubt it. //𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚂𝚖𝚙Where stories live. Discover now