⇢∞︎︎ 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 ∞︎︎⇠

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When Owen woke up he wasn't were he was left instead he was in the clearing again. Right in the middle of the lever system he had made over what felt like years ago.

Owen looked up to see Apo, Squidney, Mohwee, and Oeca.

He was pretty sure that Apo had just arrived, because the three of them had been crowded around him, asking him so many questions.

Though the first thing Owen did when he stood up was hug the life out of Apo from behind.

"APO!!" Owen yelled starting to get emotional again.

"Owen??!!" Everyone yelled in shock exept Apo, "Owen why'd you do that!!" Apo yelled digging himself out of the hug. "I-I i'm sorry you know i didn't want to!" Owen said remembering the voice that had been the reason Apo was know dead.

"No not that! Why would you kill yourself!!" he yelled pushing Owen slightly not trying to do harm just as a angry little push.

"I told you i couldn't do it-" "YOU KILLED YOURSELF!!!!!!" the other three screamed almost killing the duos ears.
"wait guys look!" Squidney said pointing out the fact that Owens body was know being carried to what looked to be the way to Soups house.

They heard a faint 'Hes breathing!' from Guts.
Owen went pale.
"No..." he said in a breathy-scared tone.
"wait. Your here, but they said your still breathing...that means-" Apo was cut off by Owen. "Hes in there...Hes controlling my body." owen said in total shock, Apo was scared of what was going to happen.

"Hes going to kill all the other demons in the clearing." Owen said in a stern voice.

Apo and the others looked over in shock.
"Hold on. Ok can we back track a little here? First off who is 𝖍𝖊 and how is he controlling your body??" Mohwee said in his usual tone. "Hes a voice in my head and i have no clue how but he can control me, and he did control me making me-" Owen stopped talking remembering what he had done. He froze up and his whole body started shaking, Apo had noticed this and hugged his side making Owen start apologizing over and over again.

This hurt Apo so much to see someone apologize for something they 1. didn't do and 2. Had no idea was going to happen. It stung him like a bee protecting its Queen.

"Owen stop apologizing it wasn't your fault-"
"BUT IT WAS I DID IT-I WAS THE ONE THAT KILLED YOU!" Owen yelled crying now as Apo let go of Owen cutting of the hug and he hit Owen hard in the shoulder with the handle of Oeca's throwing knife that he had been messing with this whole time occasionally looking up to listen to the drama.

"Hey!! My knife!" Oeca yelled. Owen looked up from his hands and moved his eyes over to the demon with no horns. No horns? "Wait Apo-" Owen said this time cutting himself off, he rested his hand on Apo's head and fluffed up his hair. " Were are your horns?" " i-uh-" Apo panicked for a lie to tell them.

" wait no! Owen you aren't gonna try and change the attention over to Apo alright what happened when he took control of you?" Squidney had said with a worried look on her face.

Apo looked from Squidney back over to Owen you was staring right at him. Apo gave him the 'I'll tell them ' face and opened his mouth to talk.

TIME SKIP-After Apo explained what had happened

"Oh. Oh my-God..." Squidney had said not believing what she had been hearing. She walked up to Owen and to Owens surprise, she hugged him.

When she let go Apo full on threw himself onto Owen hugging him tightly.
When Apo let go they could here a 'Owen your ok!' Owen heart began to ack as he saw himself and then across from him was.. 𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌. "No not magic." Owen said in a sad whiny tone.

He was silent. He was in pain when he saw the now dark orange eyes that were forced into that body play the part so perfectly...

It sickens him.

Apo could tell Owen was hurting, Apo could see what Owen himself couldn't. Apo saw fear, fear for what he couldn't do, fear that caused him to question his ability to protect. Protecting was his job before the maze, and he failed, he was the exact opposite, but in the maze his swore to protect his friends from harm, and know he was being forced to watch as he went around killing those he promised protection.

Apo couldn't stand seeing this side of Owen, it hurt him seeing his most calm friend, hell best friend! Be so shocked and scared for what he might do without even doing it himself.

Apo looked away from the tragic scene grabbing his hand and bringing him over to a beautiful scenery with amazing flowers and the prettiest water fall with lily pads and corals and  colorful fish swimming around at the bottom of the waterfall with shiny and smooth rocks placed around the ponds perimeter.

Owen was at a lose of words. "Owen... i wish that you didn't do this to yourself." Apo said after sitting down infront of the beautiful pond.

Owen sat. Owen opened his mouth. Owen closed it. 'OWEN! Please listen to me!'

ɖąŋɠɛrơųʂ? I doubt it. //𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚂𝚖𝚙Where stories live. Discover now