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Naveah P.O.V.
Location- Home
Time- 8:10 am
A Week Later

"You ready for your first-day baby?" I ask Josiah as he eats his pancakes and eggs.

"Yes, I hope me and Cannon are in the same class," He says as he takes a piece of his pancake and puts it in his mouth.

"I'm sure you guys will be and even if you guys aren't in the same class, you'll see each other at lunch," I tell him as I pack a water bottle and capri-sun in his lunch bag.

"Daddy said he would be there when I get dropped off today, do you think he'll show up?" He asked making me look at him.

"I don't know bubs, I hope he does," I sigh.

"It's my first day of kindergarten he has to show up," He mumbles.

"Even if he doesn't show up you have me and Devante," I say while going over to him and caressing his chin.

"Okay," He sighs.

"Now let me see that adorable smile, " I start pinching his cheeks.

"Okay okay," He giggles while swatting my hand away. He smiles widely showing off his missing tooth. That adorable smile that I love to see.

"Now finish eating, we gotta roll," I say making him nod. I went into our living room and I reached for his book bag. As I was double-checking to see if he had all his things, there was a knock on the door. I make my way to the door and open it, not even looking through the peephole because I already know who it is.

"Morning!" Devante walked in, going straight to the kitchen.

"Nigga how you gon' walk up in my crib like that?" I ask as I close the door, following behind him.

"My bad sis," He says before turning around and hugging me.

I hum, "Your food is in the microwave can you finish it in like five minutes?" I ask while checking the time on my Apple watch.

"You know I can. Wassup Siah, you ready for school?" Devante asks as he digs into his food, not even sitting down.

"Mhm," Siah nods while pushing his plate away from him indicating that he's done. I quickly take it and put it in the sink. As they continue talking, I make sure I have everything I need for work. Once Devante was done, he put his plate in the sink.

"C'mon, let's roll," I say as I open the door and watch as the two of them exit the apartment. I help Josiah into the car while Devante gets into the passenger seat. After that, I get into the driver's seat and start the car. Devante plays some music on our 20-minute drive to Josiah's school.

"Bye Vante," Josiah says once I stopped in front of the school. Devante turns around to dap him up.

"Bye lil bro, be good," Devante says making Josiah nod. I get out of the car and Josiah does the same. I take hold of his hand and walk him into the school. Making it to the front of his classroom, his teacher was outside waiting.

"Good morning, I'm Ms. Logan," She greets holding her hand out to me.

"Good morning, I'm Naveah, Josiah's mother," I smile connecting our hands. Josiah gives her a quiet 'good morning'. I knew something was bothering him so I excused us for a minute.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask crouching down to his level.

"Dad isn't coming is he?" Josiah asks lowering his head.

"No, he isn't, I'm sorry bubs," I sigh.

"But I'm here and I'll always be here. Pick your head up. Don't let this ruin your day. Be good and have fun. If you have any problems go to Ms. Brown and if you don't want to do that then go to the main office so they can call me," I tell him and he nods.

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