Chapter 3 - Home

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It was 9:00 at night when Emma left. The drive from Ohio to Maine would take a long time, especially with the kids. It took almost fifteen hours driving just to get to Maine, then the extra time to get to Storybrooke.

Emma drove for as long as she could before stopping. She was exhausted but she didn't want Neal to catch up to them. Emma made her first stop at just after midnight to get gas. The next time she stopped was at 6:30 in the morning. The boys had pretty much slept the entire ride so far, making it easier to just keep going. Emma got the boys some breakfast and let Oliver stretch his legs and go to the bathroom. Emma tried to keep her face down when she went into places, not wanting people to see the bruises. Eventually Emma had to stop and get a hotel room, not being able to drive any longer without some sleep. With all the stops it took them longer to get to Storybrooke, and by the time Emma pulled up to her parents farmhouse it was just after midnight on the 28th of September. It had been just over 24 hours since she left Ohio.

Emma thought about just going to Granny's for a room, but she doubted Granny would be awake. If she didn't have the boys, Emma would have just slept in her car. She wasn't sure her parents would even want to see her. She had practically ditched them after all. She hadn't spoken to them since she left town.

Emma looked in the back and saw that both boys were fast asleep. Oliver had his right thumb in his mouth, and he held his dragon tightly in his left arm. He was covered by his blue baby blanket, which had his name on it. Parker was clutching his own baby blanket in his fist, and he had his pacifier in his mouth. Emma thought about leaving the boys in the car until she talked to her parents, she didn't even know if they would answer the door at this time. But the thought of leaving the boys made Emma nervous, so she decided to take them with her.

Emma got out and went around to the door on her side. She gently shook Oliver. "Wake up, monkey. We're here." She didn't want to have to wake him, but she couldn't carry him and Parker.

Oliver's eyes opened and he yawned. Emma helped him out of the car and stood him on his feet. He held his stuffed dragon in his left arm and his blanket in his hand. She could tell he was exhausted and she felt terrible. He wasn't one to complain. It was raining so Emma took off her jacket and draped it over her son's shoulders. He winced at the pain that this caused.

She took his hand and went to the other side to get Parker. She covered Parker with his blanket and shut the door. When she got to the door she took a deep breath and knocked. Emma waited a minute and when there wasn't an answer she knocked again. She was just about to knock a third time when the door opened, and she found herself looking into the shocked eyes of her dad.

"Emma." David breathed. He saw that it was raining and grabbed Emma's arm, gently leading her inside. Once they were inside and in the light, David's eyes widened. He sucked in a deep breath. Emma knew that he was seeing the bruises and busted lip.

"Who did this to you?" He asked. When Emma didn't answer he said "was it Neal? I'm gonna kill him. Where is he?"

Emma felt Oliver hug her arm.

"H...he isn't...I left."

Emma was shocked to see tears in her father's eyes. She tried to remember a time that she had ever seen him cry. Emma suddenly found herself in her dad's arms. His hand went to the back of her head. Emma didn't know why, but she flinched and then stiffened as if expecting a blow. She knew her dad would never hurt her. The hug was gentle, but it still hurt. Emma groaned at the pain. David immediately let go.

"I'm sorry." Emma mumbled. "I know it's late, but I didn't know where else to..."

"Don't...don't be sorry. I don't care what time it is, I'm glad you're here." David said. "God Emma. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I knew something wasn't right. I should have never let you leave. I should have..."

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