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(A/n: TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of/and blood loss.)

(Y/n) Narration: One-thousand years ago...superstition and the sword ruled...

The screen shows castle Wyvern with the sun setting with Goliath and Hudson gliding across the land.

(Y/n) Narration: It was a time of darkness, it was an age of fear...,

The screen then shows the Vikings attacking the castle. Goliath and Hudson returned to the castle, and when Goliath found his mate smashed to bits and pieces, he roared in agony.

The screen transitions to Goliath searching an empty child's bedroom, presumably looking for something...or someone, Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington, Hudson and Bronx outside the room as they looked at each other with worry.

(Y/n) Narration: It was the age...of Gargoyles.

The screen shows Goliath sleeping in stone night.

In 1994, a child laid in a hospital bed, losing a lot of blood. The doctor started injecting him with what was, in his point of view, medicine or pain killers. But it was really a dangerous virus. The screen shows the virus traveling through the child's bloodstream.

A helicopter could be seen flying to the top of a tall building. The sun set as Goliath was free from his stone sleep as a man watches in shock. Goliath roared into the night sky as lighting and thunder cackled.

The screen then shows Goliath climbing the walls, Bronx looking down and the city with a growl and Elisa Maza looking up with a determined look on her face.

The screen changes again. This time showing David Xanatos being flashed by a helicopter's light before it shows Elisa and Demona falling off a collapsing part of castle Wyvern. Brooklyn then could be seen climbing a part of the building with a cold, determined look before Goliath swoops down and catches Elisa.

In one final scene, (Y/n) was in the bathroom, holding his arm and looking as if he was in pain. When he thought the pain subsided, he got back up and looked at himself in the mirror. However, he let out a horrified gasp as he could see his own veins on his body, pulsating and black as part of his skin was partially an eerie green.

(Y/n)'s eyes shakily looked to his hands next, they shook in fear as he saw their veins were visible too.

"What's happening to me?"

Gargoyles: Biohazard

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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