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"Who put this stupid cup in my way?" I called out down the hall.

Ever since my parents moved into this cold place and forced me to take up a position, I hated nothing really mattered. They were grooming someone for grandpa's position and what that did was turn me into what I am today. I remember having a simple life I had that was snatched away without notice.

"Reese, you don't have school tomorrow. We will be leaving for good so you better pack everything you might need." That was all the warning my mother gave me before she was running up and down the house picking things and throwing them in boxes.
I tried to ask but my father shouted at me for the first time in his life, so I shut up and packed the few things I thought were important.

Luckily, I didn't have friends to tell goodbye to and I had no sentimental feelings for the town. I only had one regret; I couldn't see the boy with the painful soul again. I wanted to see him at least once yet there was no time. After our encounter, I'd seen him a few times here and there but he gave off this aura like he didn't want anybody near him, so I had never gone near him. I knew how irritating it was for people trying to connect with you when you didn't want them to do, I could not subject him to that.

That was ten years ago.

As I sat in the dining hall alone with servants lining up waiting to cater to my every need, I wanted the scent of that boy, the boy whose dreams sometimes invaded my sense even when I was awake. Unfortunately, I was in hiding and I had not seen outside the wall since we stepped into this forsaken place. We had been blindfolded immediately we stepped off the plane and three hours later we were at the centre of a room too big to even be called a cathedral with several people looking down at us. My parents bowed to the people but something in me couldn't follow suit. My Mother tried to make me but I found myself growling at her. Everyone laughed while my mother apologized to me.

"Leave the boy." An authoritative had voiced from one side of the room and my parents were taken away as I was given a chair beside the owner of the voice.

The faceless man masked from head to toe with armor and a scent I didn't want near me. The people who were seated kept talking to themselves pointing at me then going back to their discussion sometimes arguing and sometimes agreeing. I sat there for about half an hour before I became irritated and stood to walk out. When I stood, they all stood so I turned to face them and found shocked faces as if what I had done was beyond comprehension. I moved a step towards the exit and I heard whimpers which made me turn again. All of a sudden, there were voices in my head, and it felt like I was carrying the burden of all the people in the room. I also had the feeling that they wanted me to acknowledge each and every one of them or they would die.

"It's okay son, breathe slowly, and it will come to you." I heard a voice in my head and it soothed me.

The faceless man released a whimper and was suddenly quite and I knew he was no longer there; his soul was no longer in the room. I breathed in once then twice and in my head, I felt as if I had petted the heads of the fifty people. It was strange but, in that moment, knowledge from different generations of beings who had been in my position flowed in me. I knew what I was and why I had been brought to this place. He had died, the vampire who ruled before me was dead. The wolves were the next in line and I and been chosen the very first day my mother found out she was pregnant with me.

This didn't make anything easier for me. I was ten years old and made responsible for a whole society of beings I had previously no knowledge of. My parents couldn't help me with this. I wanted to laugh at how fate worked, I had asked for a challenge when school work seemed too easy for me but I was not prepared for this. I knew deep down I was not ready but I also unconsciously knew if I told them, there would be panic and chaos everywhere.

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