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"Ladila, do I have to leave you behind?" I asked my dragon.

As much as I needed to leave, I also needed someone who understood why I was afraid. It's been more than ten years since I faced other people. As much as the council visited often, they never got five meters near me. It was like I had been living in a luxurious prison and now I get to leave.

Briars Palace, The Front, was home for me now, and I loved it but I was only within the confines of its walls since I entered it. I sunbathed at the balconies that faced the central area of the mansion. I ran within the walls of the compound and never in its forests no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't leave. My wolf and I had not run freely in a while and I was scared that I may no longer be able to. He had not spoken to me in years and now I was going among strangers with nobody I knew near me, he would even hide more and that was a weakness I didn't not need known for the benefit of everyone. I was as lonely as the house itself. And no matter how ironical it seemed that I would lead people and still crave them, it was a truth that my soul craved.

"I might not understand how your human side works my liege but I have been there with you for ten years. Every pain you have tried to shut down I have taken from you. Every loss you have felt when your parents were leaving you, I tried to take for you. I have loved you like you were one of my egglings, may the wind carry my heart to them, and I think I always will. So am going to stay by your side even while you take this heavy role and begin your reign." she said as she held my cheeks.

In her eyes I saw a mother who nurtured, scolded, punished, cheered and hugged me. She was the one who wiped my tears when I would find myself shedding for no reason them while I trained. My emotions were jumbled in the first few months and she had worked hard to make me stronger and deal with my responsibilities.

"I remember when I tried to climb the wall out of here and you stood there laughing at me until I fell and broke my arm." I smiled remembering that.

"My heart was in my mouth that time and for a dragon, that was not pretty. I thought it would burst." she said in all seriousness as she hugged my side, "Mon ami, I would give my life for you. My whole family actually would, you should know that. In all the years we have looked after the king souls in this land, we have never had one come into it as young as you yet handle it with so much grace and poise. You have let the chosen council deal with their own problems and thus given freedom and in turn they have given you their heart."

"Not according to the rumours they are spreading about" I voiced a recent finding.

"I think they want people to fear you. They are doing this because they want to protect you. I for one I am glad I didn't have to squeeze them by their balls to get them to support you. I am really proud of you."

"Thank you Ladi and coming from you it's the best gift you could give me today. Now come on let's go before they send the cavalry."

"Now that's my king." Ladila said then shook herself.

In one minute, she was standing there in the next she'd turned into her dragon form. She was a magnificent golden dragon with red jewels on her back. The next minute, while I was still wrapping my head around the fact that the tiny woman was the large creature flying near the ceiling, she wiggled and then I felt a pinch on my left arm and when I looked, a tattoo of her was etched on me, her eyes were moving, and she was laughing in my head. To say I was scared was an understatement, but she had done something to my wolf so that immediately I felt threatened he had taken over and calmed me. At that moment it was like we all belonged and I liked the feeling. I didn't feel so alone anymore, they were with me.

"Next time warn me at least." I told her and she chuckled before she went dormant.

The car was already waiting and I was so glad that this time I wasn't blindfolded. I sat at the back while one body guard and the driver sat at the front. Since they wanted me as inconspicuous as possible, I was dressed casually as we headed to the airport. I was using a commercial airplane for even more security measures according to Ladila. There were two cars behind us carrying eight more bodyguards. This was going to be my life and I knew I could not escape it.

Luckily, I had convinced them to dress casually and pretend not to know me. I have no idea where they came from but they were introduced to me by the inner council. I looked them over and somehow, I knew their soul. They would give their life for me and that's all the leverage I needed to convince them to let me travel commercial and as normal as possible. I looked out of the window as the car moved. The forest expanse was really amazing. The palace was indeed a reserve and from the observation as we climbed uphill, it was eth front as it was the highest peak overlooking the rest of the region. The forest covered everywhere and I could see different types of animals, humans, and weres who were peeking at the strange movement form the reserve as we passed through. The tree coverage was dense, my kind of environment and it was tempting me to get out and run wild, even Ladila sent her longing.

"Would you stop for a minute?" I asked the driver when we got at the edge of the forest.

I climbed out; we were on an abandoned road. On the right was the expanse of the place I called home and on the left was a valley, another expanse of dense trees I could not picture the end. The palace was definitely off the grid, a lonely place that by design would be hard to reach unless directed. Without a word, I got back into the car and we drove off as it trully dawned on me, I was my own friend and confidant, I was also my own security. My mother and father had abandoned me. my mate wasn't bothered with finding me, everybody was afraid of me, and to make it worse I have a feeling I am going to be alive for a very, very long time. A long time alone and the feeling wasn't not pretty, a breakdown was likely coming, and it was not going to be pretty. With Ladila inside me and with the wolf feeling as miserable as I was, whatever was coming would kill everyone in its wake.

"Mon ami, calm down." Ladi tried but it wasn't working.

"Stop the car! Right now!" I almost shouted.

The car stopped and I got out then curled in the ground as my feet cahed, my heart even worse, and my back felt like it was going to breka yet this pain was not the same as shifting my form. For whatever it was worth, I wanted to save the people with me and apparently, everything went dark.

When I came to, I was watching everything from Ladila's point of view. I was able to see the ball of protective wall I put around me and the swirling storm inside the ball that was me and all entities that I have ever been in existence fighting to come out. It was scary and ugly, a mass of chaos, pain and blood mixed with feeling of despair and hurt. Black swirls of mass less things producing an eerie sound formed a cloud around me, and my wolf who appears as two different entities within the protective space. I know it was a struggle because I felt that pain as if I was being stretched in all directions. By the time that cloud had calmed down, I was naked and blood spots covered several parts of me. I couldn't even lift my head so one of the guards carefully lifted me. I was no longer covered in glamour and he could see me in my normal form.

I must have slept or gone unconscious later because I woke up entangled in purple sheets with golden cords and wearing only boxers. I was wet and from the smell, I must have had a fever for sweat covered every part of my skin, I could smell blood somewhere, definitely not from me or anyone in the room. Based on the accompanying noises and smell, I deduced that I was in a vampire hotel VIP suite which explained the blood in the fridge. So much for going normal. Ladila was still on my arm and two guards stood at the door while Andra was looking outside the window with a posture that showed how tired and worried as visible anxiety rolled off his back. I think she was afraid of the humans or just wary of them because I could see she was on edge; you really couldn't blame her. Humans were not known to be very forgiving of something different than them and every super present was partly human, an unfortunate part that they always blamed their mistakes on.

"I am the one who is sick, shouldn't I be the one feeling miserable?" I asked him.

You should have seen how high he jumped in surprise, which made me laugh until I hurt all over. A few minutes later everyone from the inner council was in the room, that told me just how big the room was, or maybe Andar had used spatial magic to make sure we didn't feel uncomfortable with natural enemies within proximity.

"So....." Reagan the only woman in the council, a hybrid of a white and brown bear tried to break the awkward silence and the stares from the rest. With the blood of a wolf and bird in her system, she was a rare combination which explained her rare abilities and the fact that she was in the council. She was the first of her kind and probably the only after spells and laws that made her existence possible were banned and scrapped off.


Thank you for reading my story. Have Fun!!

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