bad news

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lexie's pov

the u.s.a army just called me to inform me that the area where april and owen worked got bombed

they don't know if april is alive and they are searching for her

after the call ended i began to cry
i loved april and I wanted to grow a family with her

but life will always be against me

*a few days later*

the found her but she's critical and they don't think she is going to make it 

my heart is so shattered why this to me?

i don't know to tell raven she wants so bad to meet her big sister

i called 9-1-1 on her, i was so nervous
but she deserved to know

raven: why the hell did you call 9-1-1 on me nobody is dying dr.grey

me: it's for april

raven: is something bad happened to her?

me: yes, a week ago the usa army called me to say that the area april lived got bombed and they didn't know if she was alive and today they called me to say that they found her
but she's at high risk and they don't know if she's gonna live

raven: why did they call you?

me: because i'm her girlfriend

raven: is she gay?

me: yea she is

raven: why didn't you tell me before we know eachother for at least 2 weeks

me: because april doesn't want to admit herself that she's gay and i'm helping her with this journey

raven: we should be friends

me: I don't think so and also i don't want to
i don't want favouritism because i'm in the last year of residency
so please don't talk to me if not for work

raven: but we are like a family

me: no we aren't april doesn't even know you exist and she probably doesn't want to know you
i'm going to operate a brain tumor with amelia see you later

raven's pov

today is the day that jo is discharged
we are so happy for her
she is like our child

i'm in her room

me: jo we will miss you so much

addison: i hope you are going to visit us someday

jo: i will be here sooner that you guys think

me: what do you mean?

jo: time is the only way you will find out

me: okay if you say so, goodbye jo

addison: goodbye jo-jo

lexie's pov

i has sex with mark i didn't really want to had sex with him but i felt lonely 
april was probably death
april left me before the army and I was heart broken and I began to self-harm myself

*one week later*

i had pregnancy simptoms
i was nauseous, i always had to pee
i was tired all the time

so I had to take a pregnancy test

i went in the supply room and I took a test
then I went in the bathroom and I peed on the stick

i had to wait 5 minutes for the results

i couldn't take anymore so i took a blade


narrator's pov

the blood was all over lexie she has
difficult breathing
and was crying for help

amelia's pov

i entered in the bathroom because i heard muffled screams

there was lexie that was almost dead

i tried to wake up her but she fainted

so i picked her up and I took her in the emergency room

teddy's pov

lexie was critical i tried to stop the hemorrhage it was too much blood

so I called raven she was also a trauma surgeon

raven's pov

teddy called me with 9-1-1 lexie was dying and i was the only that could save her

after some hours I finished
lexie was alive

amelia's pov

i did an ultrasound on lexie because when i carried her in ER i saw a pregnancy test I didn't think much about it
she was pregnant it was so little
the size of a pea

*a month later*

lexie was still in coma and there is minimum celebral activity
we are afraid that she's gonna die
the baby is growing just fine

*two months later*
narrator's pov

tonight is the dinner that all the med school students became doctors and they start their residency

amelia hopes that one of the interns will find a cure for lexie

because if they don't find a cure in the next two weeks

they are going to unplug the machines that keep her alive

raven's pov

i hate this type of dinners, nobody cares for the interns
but in the crowd i see jo wilson
i'm happy she lived and she is healthy now
her bump is very cute everyone is touching her belly
and i can tell she is not happy about it
i didn't want to intervene but I think she is having pain

so i went to talk to her

me: hey jo are u okay?

jo: yea sure i'm fine

me: you don't look like you are fine

jo: it's just that everyone keeps touching me and i'm uncomfortable but other than that i'm fine

me: ok if you need help don't esitate to call me ok?

jo: ok sure

narrator's pov

teddy, addison and raven were amazed by jo they did an amazing job saving her

raven's pov

me teddy and addison were talking about jo and we were like proud parents

meredith: you are so silly
she fought for her life
you just done your job

she said joking

me: shut up meredith let us have our moment of glory

meredith: you should think about a cure for lexie

me: i'm thinking so hard
about that I was thinking that we could ask our interns to find a cure

meredith: you are putting my sister's life in those interns hands? are you crazy?

me: it's the only chance we have meredith

teddy: please stop arguirng in front of all this people

me: fine

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