there's a light at the end of the tunnel

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raven's pov

richard nominated me as chief of residents
i'm happy don't get me wrong
but i have a lot of work to do and this is another stress to add the list

jo's pov

it's my first day here and my pregnancy is almost over i'm so tired
the baby kiks so hard and all day
i only want some rest

raven: listen interns i have five rules
1 don't bother sucking up i already hate you and that's not gonna change
2 trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers nurses will page you, you have to answer every page at a run. A run
that's rule number two
your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours, you are interns, grunts, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop and don't complain
on call rooms, attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can
which brings me to rules number three
3 if i'm sleeping, don't wake me up unless the patient is actually dying
4 rule number four the patient better not be dead when i get there not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woke me for no good reason we clear?
me: you said five rules that was only four
5 when i move you move

raven's pov

i have a mistery case and i can't solve alone
and I need your help
there is patient x
she is in coma for 3 months after trying to kill herself
she has minimum celebral activity
she is pregnant

if you find an answer how we could wake her up

you will choose an attending ( any specialty you want ) and you will assist in one of his surgeries

interns: that's geat we are in

jo's pov

i was concentrated to solve this case not for the prize but because I knew that was lexie who was in a coma

then I remembered that when i was in coma the doctors gave me the opposite of anesthesia wich you can wake up or die it's 50/50 chance

so I went oh the on call room i know that she always naps at this time of the day

and she was sleeping, she looked like an angel and my hormones were instantly growing and I wanted to make sex with her
but she is an attending and i'm an intern
i'm her favourite intern but still an intern

so I woke her up gently

she said with sleepy voice

raven: are you ok jo? are you in labour?

me: i'm ok and no i'm not in labour

raven: then why you woke me up
did you hear me earlier?

me: yea I always listen to you
but I have a cure for lexie grey

raven: how you know it's lexie?

me: i have my secrets 

raven: just tell me now we will discuss it later i'm tired and I want to sleep

me: you have to listen to me when you are lucid
there is a patient life between life and death and we can't discuss while you are sleepy
beacause if she dies it's my fault
and you know what I could do if lexie died because of me
so please take a nap and then talk to me

i was so angry i could break something but I need to stay calm
because my baby doesn't need this
not right now

*after a few hours*

raven: please accept my excuses i was a jeark earlier

me: it's fine

raven: do u want an hug?

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