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stephanie's pov

i finally had time to confront jo
this shift are crazy i'm so tired

me: hey jo i need to talk with you

jo: sure steph

me: I know what you do with dr kepner
is it good to fuck her?

jo: what are you talking about? are you crazy ?

me: I saw you hugging her and you were crying

jo: we are talking about a patient's cure
that's none of your buisness

me: then why you hugged her?

jo: because I started arguing with her
and I have autority issues
i needed an hug she she was the nearest person to me
so please mind your own buisness

me: I don't believe you

jo: do u want the whole truth?

me: yes of course

jo: because when i came in this hospital
i was her first patient
i was critical
i almost died that day
she saved me and my baby
if you want to know yes i love her
i'm in love with her since day one
but what I do with her that's not your fucking buisness
so please leave me alone

raven's pov

she loved me since the day I gave her a second life

i'm so grateful i have her in my life

she brought so much color in my boring life

a few minutes later she comes to me and she says that she is feeling pain
and it feels like they are contractions

me: ok follow me

we entered in the room and I put on her belly the blue gel
and the baby was ok
there were no contractions

me: jo you are fine, the baby is fine
you just need to calm ok?

jo: I feel so much pain

me: I know but there are no contractions
so please get some sleep i'm going to check on you in a few hours ok?

jo: i can't go to sleep i have to assist a surgery of meredith grey
and you know how important it is to me

me: the pain could get worse if you don't sleep
i'm going to talk to meredith don't worry

jo: she will think that i'm weak and i'm not a good doctor

me: you are a wonderful doctor you just need some rest
and it's normal

jo: sorry but I have to go

then I went to talk to meredith

me: hey mer

meredith: hey raven how are you?

me: i'm fine wbu?

meredith: i'm fine

me: if you see that jo is feeling a lot of pain send her to me

meredith: why?

me: I think by tonight she will be in labour

meredith: you know I can't do it
she will be mad at you

me: her daughter's life is at stake

meredith: she's her mother and I can't make decision for her
and she's been working hard for this surgery
she's been up 3 nights to prepare

me: she's irresponsible

meredith: no she is working hard to make her dream come true

me: risking her daughter's life

meredith: the baby is healthy

me: if the baby dies it's your fault

meredith's pov

the surgery started and jo was sad and I asked her why

jo: everyone hates me, I argued with my only friend
i'm lonely

me: even lexie was all alone the other interns made fun of her for having a relationship with mark sloan
the always mocked her
and she is a great ass surgeon
and the others are nothing
at the end of the day when you go to bed you are always alone
and you have your baby with you
she will be your best friend for life
you are an amazing mom and you have raven she will always be there for you
she will always have your back
she will be your rock
the only thing you have to do is work hard and prove them wrong

jo: thanks dr grey i really needed that

me: no problem

jo's pov

I was tired and my vision went suddently blurry
with the mask i couldn't breath well

and then all went black

meredith's pov

shit jo fainted and I called addison and raven

raven's pov

meredith called me with 9-1-1

jo fainted in the O.R

i rushed with addison

and she did an ultrasuond

the baby was dying

so we had to do an emergency c-section

addison: it's a beautiful night to save lives let's have some fun

scalpel please

addison took the baby out and I had to intubate her cause she was not breathing

that baby was a survivior, a miracle

she was jo's twin apart from the eyes they were blue-green

*a few hours later*

jo was awake

jo: where is my baby?

me: she's in the NICU

jo: why?

me: cause she can't breath on her own
and she need some rest

jo: can i see her?

me: yea sure

*in the NICU*

jo: she's beautiful

me: you did just copy-paste with her

jo: her name is hayden

me: it's a beautiful name

jo: she was my best friend she died a long time ago
she died from cancer
and i made a promise to myself
that if she wasn't going to live my first daughter would be named after her

me: i'm sorry for your loss

jo: yea I know, she deserved to live
but God decided to take the only thing that could make me happy

me: god only puts you through what you can handle

jo: i was a kid and i couldn't handle it
i only was 5 days old when my life began to fall apart
so this is just cruelty
because i'm a survivor
i don't know how i'm still alive

me: hayden is whatching over you in heaven

jo: why can't i be happy for some time?

me: you will find your happyness

jo: you are my happyness
i love you and I can't hide it anymore
is so tiring
please say you love me back and kiss me

i kissed her with passion and then I said

i love you princess

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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