I find some situations are a lot like a clock without a battery.
Pretty to look at, but it doesn't go anywhere,
It doesn't move
And you can't tell how much time you have been wasting away trying to fix that,
Because it's not broken,
It just doesn't have all the parts to make it work.
You don't have the battery,
You can not make the seconds start again.
Sure, you could wait,
Hoping for a battery to just happen a long,
But there's no guarantee it will,
Or maybe it does but you find out that it's not just seconds anymore,
And years later it won't even matter that you had the clock at all.And that's the question isn't it?
Do you keep the clock or give it away?
There will always be something telling you maybe you should hang on to it just for a little while,
But aren't the best moments timeless anyway?
Froot Loops @ Midnight
Thơ caI don't know why I care about your thoughts so much. Who the hell cares why you're up at three in the morning?