Your Education Policies Are Not Working

17 1 0

 I feel myself crashing;


under the weight of all of these

imaginary things.

Papers that seem weightless

until they’re accumulated,

form cracks;

already broken backs,

we cry, “leave us alone!”

Have they forgotten it is

only ten days in?

(That) Paper things like 

equations of treaties,

and what is blue (?) 

deem unimportant, 

while rallies for xxxxx

Lives matter, and 

dress codes for not 

showing skin, unlike

we as thirteen year old girls 

remember it, 

are cracking our “real” world, 

which we’re not prepared for,

no matter how much you say 

you’re helping us. 

“I know nothing,” isn’t that what Socrates said?

But at least he knew something,

because we don’t even know that.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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