The Hospital

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"You're a big girl, I'm sure you'll figure something out," she said sarcastically, but only received a distant groan in response.

She folded the towel, lay down on the bed, and checked her phone while waiting for Beatrice to step out of the bathroom.

She hadn't looked at her messages since yesterday... early in the evening, and she had a few texts from Shannon, and a couple from Mary.

From : Shannon
i will hit you next time i see you

From : Holy Mary
please reply to shannon i cant deal with her
ok looks like youre doing great

She heard the door open before she could reply, and Beatrice walked out of the bathroom. Ava dropped her phone to stare at her, she was gorgeous, as usual, she was wearing the same slacks as yesterday, and opted for a black oversized shirt for the top. She had her hair wrapped in a towel.

"What ?" She noticed the way Ava was staring, "You spilled water on my hair," she added with a smirk before grabbing socks from the drawer, and sitting on the bed to put them on.

"Could've avoided it but you left me with no choice but to join you," Ava teased.

Beatrice dramatically shook her head in disbelief, but the smile spreading on her face betrayed her.

"You never stop, do you ?"

Ava wrapped her still very naked self around Beatrice, watching her carefully tie her Dr Martens' laces.

"Not if you don't stop being this hot in the morning," she whispered in her ear and kissed her neck.

Beatrice turned around and met her lips in a fiery kiss, before unwillingly pulling back.

"I really have to go," she murmured, pressing their foreheads together, "You can stay here as much as you want, just close the door on your way out," she gave her one last kiss before leaving the bedroom.

"Have a nice day !" Ava yelled since the girl had left her field of view, "Text me !"

"You two, sweetie, and I will !" Ava froze at the pet name.

She heard the front door closing, and she was left all alone.

First thing she did was reply to her best friends.

To: Holy Mary
omg omg omg youre never gonna believe this

From : Shannon
pls do not hit me
it went pretty well :)
cant wait to tell you everything!

She used Beatrice's charger on the nightstand and she lay back in bed, snuggling herself in the slightly dirty blanket, on Beatrice's side of the bed so she could enjoy her incredible smell, helping her relax.

Her body ached, she was a bit sore from Shannon's moving two days ago, the sex from yesterday and her back because of the shower session they just had. It was a little numb thanks to the euphoric trance flooding her veins due to her very recent orgasm, and she was a bit tired so she decided to sleep a little longer.


She woke up a bit more than an hour later, because her phone buzzed.

From : Bea ♥
Thinking about you :)

She didn't know Beatrice would actually text her after she asked her to do so. And this was the sweetest thing she could have possibly texted.

Ava instantly replied, without hesitation. She really wasn't into mind games like waiting a certain amount of time before replying to a stupid text. She was into Beatrice, and she wanted her to know.

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