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odessa stumbled back to timothee's LA apartment, he had given her a key which she fumbled with for a good 5 minutes before timothee heard her struggling on the other side of the door and opened it for her.

odessa was so drunk that she looked as if she had been caught doing something wrong "you're home!" she slurred

he smiled "and you're drunk" he laughed as he pulled her inside and helped her take her shoes off "did you have a good night?" he asked.

odessa nodded "i met lily" she paused waiting for his response.

he helped her to her feet, "you did did you? and?" he asked guiding her to the bathroom and opening up her makeup bag to get out her makeup wipes.

she sat on the toilet lid as timothee removed her makeup for her "i really like her honestly" she was worried that this would upset timothee.

he held her chin in his hand "yeah?" he asked "mhm" she responded "are you ok with that?" she asked.

"of course i'm okay with that, me and her didn't have a dramatic break up we just weren't right for each other" he shrugged "like you and angus, and i really like angus so if you want to be friends with lily it's okay with me" he stated leaning in to kiss her.


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tagged jacobelordiliked by zendaya and 1,397,389 others dominicfike: boys night

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tagged jacobelordi
liked by zendaya and 1,397,389 others
dominicfike: boys night


alexademie: the girls did it better but u still ate

tchalamet: boyfriends

odessa: u guys are too cute

hunterschafer: is timothee drinking wine?

user7: i love that odessa's male friends accepted timothee

jacobelordi: we're all in love

anguscloud: post of the century


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