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Xena's brother Toris looked into the empty urn that Gabrielle held.

That's not not possible.

Toris quickly looked around the room to see if anything else was missing. He didn't notice anything out of place.

Surly no one would steal ashes would they? I get that my sister had gained a good number of enemies throughout her life but what could anyone possibly want with them?

Gabrielle put the lid back on the urn and placed it back where it had been sitting.

I have no idea. Though if I'm being honest I don't think that they were stolen.

What makes you say that?

Gabrielle sighed as she quickly went over everything that she had discovered in her head.

It's a little difficult to explain. Actually the whole reason I came here today was to see if Xena's remains were still here.


Torres I know that this is gonna sound insane but I have reason to believe that Xena has come back to life.

Toris stood there for a moment with a confused expression on his face.

I'm sorry Gabrielle sometimes these old ears play tricks on me. Could you run that by me again?

Your sister, Xena, is alive. She's come back from the dead.

Toris rubbed his forehead as he sighed.

Okay so I did hear you correctly.

He gently took the urn and lid from Gabrielle and put it back where it was. He then turned towards Gabrielle and gave her a gentle smile.

Come on let's head back to the inn.

You don't believe me do you?

I never said I did or didn't. Now why don't we go inside and we can sit and talk.

Toris walked Gabrielle back to the inn. Once they got back he had her sit at a table and called for his daughter Nora to get Gabrielle some tea. Afterwards he placed his hand on Gabrielle's forehead.

Hmm you don't seem to have a fever.

Slightly insulted, Gabrielle pushed his arm away.

I'm not sick Toris.

Toris looked at Gabrielle as he sat across the table from her

Well you don't appear to be physically I'll at the very least.

I'm not crazy either. Xena's not dead and I'm going to find her.

Nora came over with the tea pot and a cup. She placed the cup in front of Gabrielle and poured her some tea.

Thank you Nora. It's pretty slow today so why don't you go take a break. I need to talk to Gabrielle alone.

The young woman smiled as she said goodbye and left the inn. Once the two were alone, Toris motioned to the cup that sat in front of Gabrielle.

Drink up. It'll help make you feel better. It's an old recipe my mother taught us when we were young. When any of us weren't feeling well she would make us some of that tea.

I know. Xena made it for me many times.

Gabrielle looked into the cup.

I'm not making this up Toris. Xena's alive and she's out there somewhere.

FROM ASHES: THE ETERNAL FLAME OF THE PHOENIX Where stories live. Discover now