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What is the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word twins? The most common answer to that question probably is "similar". But not all twins are really that alike. Take for example Tam and Iris, two extraordinary girls who were born on the same day but are complete opposites. Maybe not really from their looks, but definitely from who they are. The one who has never felt before, and the one who can't stop feeling.

The signs of their differences were there at a very early age. Tam never even smiled, while Iris's laughter was heard from miles away. Such as her screams, whenever she was angry. Her sister, however, never seemed to be furious. No matter what happened, she always had the same numb stare. She never cried or even reacted when something unexpected happened. Her eyes were always slightly opened, her mouth just a straight line, such as her eyebrows. Emotions were nowhere to be seen. Above all, the most unexpected thing was that Tam never seemed to be annoyed by Iris. Not even when you'd hear her all day, and night in worse times. She never moved a muscle.

Other signs began to show in their growth process. As Iris was sprinting around the living room, Tam still couldn't crawl. She just sat there, staring at her sister with the same lack of emotion she had as a baby. She didn't seem sad or jealous that she couldn't do what her sister did. She didn't cry or scream whenever her sister walked her over. It was just numbness. Their parents even went to a medical, worried that their daughter would never take her first steps. But relieve hit them when they opened the door to see Iris dragging her sister across the room. They were walking, they were both actually walking! Later, everything would go exactly like that. Iris ahead of Tam, Tam behind Iris. Their parents thought it finally would be over as puberty came around, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

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