Preference #1~ How You Met

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Elizabeth Bennet

You first made acquaintance when Jane was recovering at Netherfield. The weather was fine and you had found that your supervisor (the bitter housekeeper, Mrs Druenus) had taken a nap, leaving you with an hour free for your own leisure. You were sitting on the steps outside the country house (flicking through an old book Caroline had recently discarded), when you first made eye contact with a disheveled, but nevertheless, beautiful young woman. She  explained that her sister was unwell and that she had come to visit. With you being a maid in the household, you immediately brushed yourself off, and directed her towards the tearoom, where your master and mistress sat. Thanking you, she followed your directions, leaving you on the steps again with a violent blush covering your cheeks.

Fitzwilliam Darcy

Mr Darcy came into your life at a wedding. You were sulking behind a curtain; A desperate attempt to escape from the never-ending nagging coming from friendly strangers. It's almost as if they never considered that maybe there was more on your mind than just marriage and children... which there most certainly was. In the middle of your navel gazing, your foot was suddenly trodden on and you let out a small yelp, exposing your hiding place. The curtain slowly pulled away and revealed Mr Darcy, looking upon you baffled. You gulped. His father had been a good friend of your mother, so she had talked about Fitzwilliam often, though you had never met him...until now, of course. He opened his mouth as if he was going to question you, but he ultimately decided against it. His soft gaze studied you for what seemed like heavenly hours before abruptly apologizing and leaving you back in your own company. You made a mental note to ask your mother to invite him over for dinner... for unspecified reasons...

Charles Bingley

You were walking alongside a country path. The crisp, autumnal air blew gently through your hair as you casually strolled back to your house after visiting the market. You heard a carriage rattling behind you, but weren't bothered. You were on the far left of the path, so you weren't going to get run over...hopefully. The carriage continued it's journey, passing you in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, it had also crossed a puddle, which proceeded to spray muddy water on you, leaving a large stain on your porcelain white dress. The vehicle halted, and a tall man frantically stepped out. Coming towards you, he waved his arms as he desperately tried to form words of apology, though it mainly came out as confused gibberish. However, you were taken aback by his earnestness, not to mention that you found him quite dashing. He wasn't content with a simple apology, and immediately invited you round to his home for dinner. You agreed, completely forgetting about your possibly ruined dress...

Jane Bennet

Life as a painter had it's ups and downs. Finding work as a female artist was often difficult, so you sold your miniatures and sketches for an extremely low price, with the hope that someone would at least appreciate the cheapness, or even take pity on you. So, when an excitable madam came bouncing into your studio (a.k.a. a converted barn) practically begging you to paint a portrait of her eldest daughter, you were only too happy to agree. That sunny spring morning, you awaited the arrival of a Miss Jane Bennet, whom her mother had described as a great beauty. When Jane entered your studio, you immediately understood what her mother was talking about. She had worn a pale pink dress and styled her hair so that the sun reflected off her golden curls. Painting her was difficult, as you obsessed over every minor detail, aiming for the angelic model in front of you to translate smoothly onto your canvas. After hours of hard work, you finally had completed it, much to the delight of both Jane and her mother. After she had left, you brought out a new canvas, and started to draw your new muse in a lovesick haze.

Mary Bennet

God, you hated pianoforte. Being forced to play from the age of four, the sheer loathing you had of the instrument was staggering. Now, in front of hundreds of strangers at your parent's annual tea party, you were displaying your detested talent. You were also trying to keep a calm expression on your face, despite the  fact you felt like you were going to hit the nearest thing to you, which funnily enough, happened to be your parents. The music gradually faded to a close and was  met with empty applause. You bowed your head and practically sped off the gazebo, accidentally bumping into a young woman who was hovering outside. She didn't stop to introduce herself, but went straight on about how wonderful she thought you played  and how she wished she could play like you. You almost waved her off, telling her not to sign her soul away for a lot of work and no gain. However, there was a desperation in her voice, almost like she was trying to prove something of herself... something you could relate to, all too well. You agreed to tutor her for no extra cost and the sheer delight on her face made your heart catch alight. You set the date for every Thursday afternoon, oblivious to the fact that the lessons would soon become the highlight of your week.

Author's Note: Hello there, Georgie here. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and continue reading! I'm just here to say that requests are open...That's all. <3

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