☆、Preparation before the rainy season

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  Early in the morning, Maxine brought the seven or eight prey back to the platform, and then left in a hurry to carry wood in the forest. Lu Bing lit a fire and grilled meat, trying to have food soon after Maxine came back. By the time Lu Bing finished roasting half of a bull, Maxine had already gone back and forth several times. In addition to the wood, there were also some fruits that could be preserved for a long time and clear water in wooden barrels.

"The meat is done roasting, Maxine." Lu Bing raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead and greeted Maxine who was about to go down with an empty bucket that was as tall as Lu Bing and continue to fetch water. Maxine nodded and looked outside at Lu Bing, who was preparing to roast his second prey, and then looked at the piles of wood and twelve barrels of water behind him. "I'm going to get a bucket."

Lu Bing nodded helplessly. "Okay, hurry up."

Maxine's second form came to the river under the cliff again to fetch water and flew back. The fast Lu Bing's second prey was already sitting opposite Lu Bing before it was put on the shelf. Maxine took over the job from Lu Bing, and quickly put wet branches on the prey and put them on the grill above the fire. While using Lu Bing's dagger, he cut out meat as big as two palms from the most tender part of the bull's body. hand it over. Lu Bing took a bite of the delicious salty and chili-flavored barbecue and swallowed contentedly. Maxine also lowered his head and quickly swallowed the other parts of the bull. When Lu Bing finally finished his portion, Maxine The bones of the bulls were thrown into the river.

Seeing that Maxine finished eating the beef and then set up a pile of work and roasted the third prey at the same time, Lu Bing got up very calmly and stuffed the backpack that was emptied last night into two sewn leather bags. Wrapped two bags on the outside of the backpack and tied them tightly, then emptied the large leaves that Maxine used to wrap fruit in the morning and returned to the grill and handed them to Maxine. After taking the leaf Maxine and putting it aside, Lu Bing returned to the cave which was already ten meters deep and about ten meters wide inside.

Coming to an open space behind the wood and close to the rock wall in the depths of the cave, Lu Bing rebuilt the tent that had been dismantled just this morning, and placed the random household items on the ground one by one in a suitable place. Bing straightened his waist, looked at it with satisfaction, clapped his hands, and turned back to the platform outside the cave. Maxine had already wrapped the roasted meat with leaves, which was his lunch at noon today.

"Lu, I'm leaving." Maxine nodded to Lu Bing who came out, and Lu Bing smiled and said, "Remember, I have to rely on you to support me here on the cliff."

"Yes." Maxine nodded and walked to the first place. Transformed into a beast shape on a platform, holding the barbecue and animal skin bag in its paws, it vacated and flew downstream to the beast cemetery and the salt lake, which took four days to go back and forth.

Standing blankly on the platform and watching Maxine go, Lu Bing didn't turn around sadly until he couldn't see it, and then cut the biggest prey into strips with a dagger and rubbed it with salt and chili powder until he felt the same. The meat is dried on strings. The remaining meaty bones are picked out and thrown into the turtle shell to remove the blood and prepare to be cooked into soup later. The bones of the remaining few were treated in the same way, and the bones were thrown by Lu Bing vigorously to the bottom of the cliff. The moment the lucky bones fell into the river, the water splashed and huge arrowtooth fish swarmed over and bit them.

When Maxine left, the sun was already unbearably hot, and the birds in the sky had already hid in shady places to rest. Maxine knew that it was safest to hurry on the road at this time. When the sun was setting in the west and the heat began to subside, Maxine rushed down to the forest to find a safe place, took out the roasted meat in the morning, and swallowed it whole with the water in the water bag.

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