☆, the battle between wandering orcs

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After supper, the sky began to light up slightly. Yoss and Monka dragged the raft away, followed by Talma and Gray. Looking at the broken walls of the wooden house and the open space outside where Maxine was taking soil to backfill, Lu Bing always felt very bleak. It's unbelievable what I think about myself, at least I don't have any sad death on my side.

George and the others are about to leave after recuperating. On this day, Talma and Gray came to find Mrs. Lu Bing. Ge Rui pushed him behind Talma, Talma had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask Lu Bing. "Lu Bing, it's like this. Our sand wolf clan is a branch of the wolf clan. We have lived on the edge of the desert for generations. You may not have seen the desert. Anyway, there are rivers passing by there, but the dry season always stops for several times. Moon, sometimes there is no water during the harvest season? Can you help us think of a way?"

After speaking with some hesitation, Talma and Gray waited for Lu Bing to think of a way. Lu Bing's heart twitched. Fortunately, he had seen the desert before. He had seen Karez sand in the desert before traveling in Xinjiang. "Does the river on your side pass through the desert?"

"Yes." Gray replied first. "It flows down from the snow-capped mountains on the other side of the desert." He also drew a picture of the snow-capped mountains.

Lu Bing thought for a while, then whispered to Maxine, Maxine got up and went out. "Is the ground under your desert firm?"

"Very firm. Basically, the ground is covered with loess and sand." Taerma knows this kind of thing better. After Lu Bing understood, he spoke his way. "I think there is still a lot of water in those rivers, but the desert is full of sand and the water is evaporated by the sun and sand."

"What is evaporation?" Gray looked curiously at Lu Bing who said something he didn't understand. Talma also looked at Lu Bing curiously. Lu Bing tilted his head and thought for a while. "It's the same as when we steam rice. The white smoke that comes out after the water in the pot is boiled will reduce the water in the rice after steaming. That's what it means."

The description is simple and easy to understand, and the two of them do not speak. Maxine came back with a pile of slates and placed them on the land in front of Lu Bing. Lu Bing pointed to the stone slab and said, "I don't know how the land is on your side. But I think the people of your tribe have the perseverance to dig a dark river from the ground, that is, the river that is not exposed to the ground leads directly to the snow mountain. Over there. The water goes under the ground, and the sun above cannot evaporate the river water."

After Lu Bing introduced it, after looking at the stone slabs, Talma said enlightenedly: "If you are afraid of landslides, use stones to support it. "

That's it." Lu Bing nodded, the underground soil in Xinjiang is good, even without stone slabs, it is very firm. "If there are many stone slabs, you can also use stone slabs to pave the waterway, so that the flushed water will not have any sediment."

"But if you dig on the ground for a long time, it will be difficult to breathe." Talma thought of another flaw. Bing thinks so too. "We can use a windmill to blow air in. That is, the windmill connects a long pipe to the inside, so that the length of the pipe can be increased as long as it is dug. If the dug is too long, an opening to the ground will be dug, and then Move the blower to the open place and continue. If the air circulation is not good, add another one."

Taerma and Grey, after discussing in low voices, thanked them with smiles on their faces. light. "If the waterway is dug well, your tribe will not be short of water. When the time comes, dig some soil and mix it with fertilizer. If you can, plant it well. Maybe there will be less desert over there in the future."

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