Chapter Thirty-One

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Short; sorry

Chapter Thirty-One

Harry POV

“Who’s that,” Taylor asked as she lifted her head up off of my shoulder, following my gaze.

“Someone,” I said sternly. I wanted to go over there and talk to Andy but I know that management wouldn’t allow that one and the press would follow me over to where Andy was across the tank. She was safely with Niall but I could tell by the pale look on his face that there was something wrong, something serious.

“Hmm.” She placed her head back on my shoulder. “Niall’s looking very fat nowadays.”

“What did you just say?” I jerked away from her, my face hard and mean.

“What? All I said was that Niall-“

Don’t insult my best mate again.” I stood up and walked over to Lou. “Lou, I’m leaving. I can’t be with someone like her right now or else I will do something stupid.” Lou nodded her head, grabbing Lux and handing her to me, knowing that she calms me down.

“Where we goin’?” Lux took her sleeve out of her mouth.

“We’re going back to the hotel for a while, if that’s okay,” I said as I played with her pigtails.


I made eye contact with Niall and he nodded his head in understanding. We began walking, Taylor lagging behind where she should’ve been in the first place. We hopped into the car and made our way back to the hotel. Thank god Taylor got dropped off first being that we weren’t staying in the same hotel.

“Gonna tell me what happened now,” Lou asked breaking the silence. “Besides the fact that she’s crazy.”

I clasped my hands together. “We saw Niall and Andy across the tank, like I told them they should do and Taylor saw them and called Niall fat.”

“Was she being serious?” I nodded my head. “I’m so glad I wasn’t there. If I was, I would’ve pushed her into the tank.”

“I would’ve if I didn’t get up and leave her sitting there.” I ran my hand over my face. “This is stupid and mental. Why do I have to be the one to date her? Wouldn’t this ‘mess up my image’ if I’m not single?”

Lou shrugged. “I don’t know Harry, I’m just the stylist. But I’m sure this won’t last long. They can’t make you do this.” She rubbed my arm in reassurance.

“I would like to think that,” I stated. “But I don’t think I can.”

“Harry!” Andy ran right to my arms once I walked into their hotel room. I was basically living here with them while we were here but sometimes I go to my room to sleep.

I bent down and picked her up, spinning her around. “I saw you today,” I said as I put her back down. “Did you like the seals?” She nodded her head fiercely.


I looked over at Niall who was sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together. Andy took my arm and tugged me over to the couch and sat in between Niall and I.

“There’s something you should know about this whole thing management is making you do.”

“About Taylor?” He nodded his head. “What about it?”

Andy turned to face me and placed her soft hand on my right cheek. Images flashed before they slowed down to something more… I don’t know how to explain it. There was a picture of Taylor and then there was a picture of me. Her face was smiling and she was holding up a chart of her sales and singles. The lines on the board were going up showing that her sales were doing well.

“What am I-“

“Wait,” Niall said, his face cold and stern. He must be able to see it too.

The next picture was the one that made my face turn pale. There was a picture of me with management, their faces red and mean. On the desk was a paper with the numbers of our sales on it just like the picture with Taylor. The sales were going down dramatically and all fingers were pointed at me. The next picture I saw was something that I thought would never happen; I was getting kicked out of the band.

I was panting, sweating even and I leaned back on the chair. “T-they’re kicking me out of the band because sales are going down? How is that my fault?”

“It’s not,” Andy said, putting her hand on my cheek again. I flinched out of instinct. She took her hand back. “It’s because of that bi-“

“Andy, language,” Niall warned. She hugged and crossed her arms over her chest.

“She really is your child,” I teased, trying to lighten this conversation. The look on Niall’s face told me to be serious. “You have to go to management.”

He shook his head. “They’re not every happy with me right now and I’m not letting them near her.”

“But you’ve seen it as well. Can’t you also show them?”

“I want to help you Harry but-“

“But what?” I stood up, my voice rising. “I defended you and the one time you can defend me you come up with some bull reason not to help me. Is it because I’m destined to be with Andy? Is it because I loved Lilly? Is it because I’m not Hanna?”

Don’t bring them into this. I can’t change the future.”

I ran my hands through my hair. “The future changes every second someone makes a decision. You and I both know this. You almost got kicked out but I said something and now you’re back in. Now that the tables have turned, you don’t want to do anything to help me. Some band mate you are.” I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I needed a drink, badly. Where the fuck was Paul?

Niall POV

“Dad, what does he mean that he’s ‘destined to be with me’?”

I ran my hand over my face. “Don’t worry about that right now. You’re too young to understand.” She nodded her head.

“Why won’t you help Harry?”

How do I answer that question when I don’t know myself? I didn’t know what to say and it wasn’t that easy to explain to management that having Harry date Taylor was a bad thing. They’re already pissed at me basically exposing myself to them. Well… more like scared of me. But why shouldn’t they be? I could kill them without even touching them which was a scary thing.

Of course I didn’t want Harry to get kicked out of the band; he was the baby and cared about it so much. But this wasn’t my business to be into and I knew when to stay out of it. Of course I heard the bitch call me fat and I just wanted to make her fall into the tank but we were in public and Andy was with me. That wouldn’t be very fatherly of me to do so in front of my own kid.

“It’s complicated, love.”

“Well why can’t I talk to them?”

“You’re not getting near them,” I spat.

“And why not? If you’re not gonna help Harry then I will!” She stormed out of the room the same way Harry left.

“Andy, no!” I ran after her but it was too late, she was already being escorted into the meeting room by Rob. I growled under my breath. Oh hell no.

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now