Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Harry POV

“Andy I-“ I began as I walked into the room that Niall and her shared. Her small figure was sitting on the windowsill with her legs out of the window like she was about to jump. My heart raced and I acted quickly. I saw her take a huge breath and that’s when I got her into my arms mid jump. She shrieked a little when I pulled her back and she fell on me. I kept her body close on top of mine as we both breathed heavily. “What the fuck were you thinking,” I asked once I got my breath back.

“I was going out for some air,” was her simple response.

“No, you were going to kill yourself,” I corrected as I said the words through my teeth.

“What do you care?” The question caught me off guard and I froze. Her hand came up to my face and she began to see everything and I saw what she was thinking. She thought she was a monster, she thought that she wasn’t loved.

As I took in her body figure on mine, she seemed much older, much taller than last night. She seemed to look like 7 or 10 years of age now and that’s what scared me. She skipped a whole age group this time and she was becoming stronger. I swallowed hard once her hand left my face and went back to her side as we still laid on the cold wooden floor next to the king sized bed.

“Why would you ever think that? There’s something you didn’t show me,” I said and then I felt her body stiffen; she was keeping a secret.

“You’re off to see your girlfriend and just leave us all here. I thought today was going to be our brother and sister day.”

I was happy that she still saw me as a brother to her, being that she didn’t see me as her lover yet. But she did have one point; this was supposed to be our day and then stupid management had to ruin it and make me go out with the she-devil.

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I tried saying to make her feel better.

“Not yet,” she corrected.

I sighed. “It’s for my job, Andy. If I could take you with me, I would in a heartbeat. Maybe Lou or Zayn can take you out. I promise I will come find you and stay as close to you as I can, yeah?”

She was silent for a while which scared me. I could see how she was like Lilly in so many ways; the way her lip poked out when she was thinking, the way she messed with her nails when she was nervous, and it donned on me right then why I felt so connected to Lilly when I knew she was Niall’s. It didn’t make much sense until now but it was all because of Andy. Andy was the one I was waiting for and Andy is what kept me attracted to Lilly. Granted, it sounded stupid and when I found out that Lilly was pregnant I wasn’t as thrilled as everyone else. But in the same day, I got Andy which now makes sense. I didn’t start liking Lilly until a few months after her and Niall got together. I’m guessing, in that same day, they ‘made love’ and that’s how the connection got stronger with my attraction to Lilly.

“I guess so,” she said after a while. We just laid there for a moment, I don’t know why but it just felt right. “You don’t like her, do you?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “She’s mental. I don’t date mental girls, they’re just not for me.” I felt her chuckle against my chest. “Come on, love. Let’s get you something to eat before your dad kills me for not feeding you.”

She nodded and got up off of me, helping me stand up. “Where is he anyways?”

I looked down. “He had to go to a meeting…about you.”

Niall POV

This meeting was bull shit. I didn’t need to meet with people about my own daughter. Sure, some secrets are gonna have to be shed but it’s all worth it when I have Andy. Plus, they can’t make me leave the band because one, my contract isn’t up and the fans would be crushed, at least some of them.

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