05 - The Red Means I Love You

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The voices overwhelmed Tommy, screaming at him. No matter how hard he tried to block them out, nothing worked.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Tommy yelled, holding onto his ears. That would not help him, though.

Tommy clenched his fists, his voice cracking. "Techno... I need to be there for him. I can't lose him too."

The hospital corridor bustled with activity as doctors and nurses rushed back and forth. Tommy stood at the entrance, his heart heavy with worry. He tried to edge closer to the room where Techno was being treated, but a nurse blocked his way.

"I'm sorry, sir, but only authorized personnel are allowed inside," she said, her tone firm but sympathetic.

Tommy's frustration bubbled over, his voice was tinged with desperation. "But he's my brother! I need to be there!"

The nurse hesitated, then softened her gaze. "I understand, but they're doing everything they can. Let them work, and you can see him soon."

Tommy clenched his teeth, his eyes locked on the closed door. The voices echoed in his mind.


Techno never dies!

Have hope, Tommy!

He'll be okay!

Technoblade never dies!

The hospital corridors felt suffocating as Tommy paced back and forth, his anxiety building to a crescendo. His heart pounded in his chest, and he could barely hold back the flood of emotions that threatened to overflow. He clenched his fists and exhaled in short, uneven gasps. He needed to get some fresh air.

As if sensing Tommy's distress, Wilbur approached him with a concerned expression. "Tommy, hey. You okay?"

Tommy's gaze snapped to Wilbur, his eyes wide and frantic. "No, Wilbur, I'm not okay! Techno's in there, and I can't do anything! I can't be with him, I can't help him!"

Wilbur's presence was calming, a steadying force amidst the chaos. He placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder, his voice gentle yet firm. "Tommy, I know this is hard. But the doctors are doing their best. You being here won't change that."

Tommy's breath hitched, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. "I know, I know! But I can't just stand here, Wilbur!"

Wilbur held his gaze, his eyes were filled with understanding. "I get it, Tommy. I do. But sometimes, all we can do is wait and hope. Techno's strong, and he has the best care."

Tommy's shoulders trembled, a mixture of gratitude and frustration bubbling within him. "Thanks, Wilbur. I appreciate it. But you don't... You don't get it. You haven't lost as much as I have."

Wilbur's expression softened, his grip on Tommy's shoulder tightening. "Tommy, loss takes many forms. I may not have lost the same way you have, but I've known pain, too."

Tommy's tears finally spilled over, and he pulled Wilbur into a tight hug. "Thanks, Wilbur. I mean it."

Wilbur returned the embrace, his voice steady. "Anytime, little brat."

After a moment, Tommy released the hug and wiped at his eyes. "I... I just need some air."

Wilbur nodded, offering a small smile. "Take your time. I'll be here when you get back."

As Tommy stepped outside, the cool breeze brushed against his face, providing a momentary respite from the chaos inside. He leaned against the wall, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. And then, the voices within his head started to speak.

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