A Waking Thought

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When I was young, I believed in fairytales. Ones with fairies and goblins. My mom used to call me her sprite, because all I would talk about was these tales of myth. Living in the snowy lands of Alaska kept my imagination flowing. I loved to pretend I was a princess in the snow, dreaming of a prince -or princess- to come whisk me off my feet. The thought of love intrigued me as a kid. My parents didn't set a good example of what healthy romantic love looked like. So I turned to the stories I lived for. My older brother never understood why I loved the stories as much as I did. I can't blame him.

My imagination was wild at the age of eight. I would go into the forest for hours making up my own little world. I had these two friends. To this day I remember them in such vivid detail. They were much older than me, people that were so beautiful that they had to be a figment of my imagination. A man and a woman. The woman would always meet me out in the woods. Then a man started joining her. They kept me company and went along with my games. I called the woman Angel because she was ethereal. She told me her name once but I forgot so I kept the name.

Then the man. He was bigger than anyone I had seen in my life. Not the tallest but still tall. He was really strong. He would lift me with ease. I called him Prince Charming. Him and Angel  looked after me while I was in the forest. Our little play dates lasted till I was ten. That's when they left. My imagination must have been fading. I still remember our goodbye. It's been seven years and they still plague my mind. I cherish those memories with my whole life. Especially now that I'm moving. Of course I'm against the idea. But all good things come to an end. Even my childhood and life in Alaska.



I was walking in the forest going to my magical spot. My palace of dreams. When I got there they were waiting for me. My smile widened and my pace quickened. The snow crunching under my boots with every movement. Angel looked to my direction smiling. Her soft eyes met mine as I tackled her in a hug. "Wow {Y/N}, you're getting so tall." She smiled slightly down at me. I was taller than a lot of the kids my age. I prided myself in that. "Pretty soon you'll be my height." I shook my head, my hair slightly moving with my head.

"No way, you're still way taller than me." She let out a laugh. I let go of her looking at the huge teddy bear behind her. "Plus charming's still a giant." I let out a small giggle when he picked me up from the ground giving me a huge hug. He did it with ease. "Charming," I let out another string of giggles. "Put me down!" I squealed at him. My voice was laced with happiness caused by the mere sight of the two. He carefully set me down. Their eyes were soft as they looked at my giggling form.

"{Y/N}, you need to stop growing." Charming told me with a huge grin. "You're getting old." My jaw dropped at his comment, making him laugh. The snow that was falling around us gave the place an ethereal look and feel. I quickly shook my head, my {E/C} eyes wide with disbelief. Angel watched us interact with a smile on her face. The way her golden hair caught the snowflakes was weirdly perfect. It felt like the snow adapted to her.

"Nuh-uh," I countered with a mock offense. My eyebrows furrowed. "You guys are way older than me". They laughed at that. But their soft looks became somber quickly. Charming crouched down slightly to be level height with me. They looked worried. They looked at me like people did when talking about my family. "Is there something wrong, Prince Charming?" My question caught him off guard. Angel sighed as she looked at me and Charming. Her eyes were full of sadness. Why were they sad? They're never sad. They were always wearing a smile when we had our play dates.

"Princess," Angel started her sentence. She sighed again taking a breath. "We have to go." I frowned at her but nodded quickly, picking up my smile again.

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