Rough decisions

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I laid in the hospital bed. Slowly withering away from my sickness, and misery. My brother has been barely talking to me. He's scared. That's understandable, I am too. Emmett has been keeping me company, but there's always a sad look in his eyes. I need to go outside. I don't want to die in this bed without feeling the rain on my skin again. I say that as if I'm gonna die super soon. Carlisle gave me a year if I didn't do the surgery.  Which is honestly a long time. But my brother doesn't seem to think so. 

I wish he understood. I've witnessed what treatment does to someone. How who they are as a person starts to wither away. If I go, I want to go as myself. Not a sunken corpse waiting to die. Because, what was the point? My chances even after surgery weren't super high. When I leave I want to be present till the very end. For my sake, and my brother's. I couldn't make him go through that. He'll see everything, I don't want his last memory of me to be a shell of who I was. I want all of my last moments to be perfect.

If I were to take the chance of surgery, what would my chances be? No matter how much I want to live, the facts don't lie. I'm going to die. And the constant reminder of that is something I'm trying to come to peace with. I want to entertain Zane, but all it would do would make a big hospital bill and give me one or two more years. Is it really worth it.

There was a loud knock at the door. I didn't answer but the person came in. Their footsteps halted when they saw my sleeping form. It's not that I was trying to be rude, I just wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. They quietly walked towards me. Almost like they were walking on air. There was a thud on the table beside my bed. Something glass rattled against it. A hand was suddenly brushing hair out of my face. Their hand was soft and delicate, but ice cold. I opened my eyes slowly to see who it was.

To my surprise, it was Rose. Her smile peered down at me. She took a step back as to not scare me. She looked somewhat bashful at my sudden wake. My cheeks were ablazed against my pale skin. Our surroundings were quiet as we looked into each other's eyes. It ended when we heard a throat clear at the door. My eyes went wide and I quickly whipped around to see who it was. And surely enough leaning against the door frame was Emmett. He had a smirk on his face and Rose was rolling her eyes. She sat down by me while shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Rose appologized and sighed. "Emmett thought it would be a good idea if I came visit you, but he insisted that he came too." I laughed, that sounded like Emmett. He always wanted to do something. It got to the point where he got my brother's phone number to know when I needed company. When I told him he should've just asked me for my number he laughed and said I was an unreliable source. Whatever that means. He's always trampling in here to tell me the randomest stuff.

"Yeah," I sit up and sigh in a sad tone. "I can't seem to get rid of him." I hear a gasp and start laughing. Rose joins in when she starts chuckling. Truth be told, I was thankful for his visits, they kept me sane. These white walls only do so much for my mental health.

"Geez, I feel like whenever I'm here I get ganged up on." I smirk as he walks into the room, plopping down on the bed at my feet. The impact made me jump a bit which caused him to snicker.

"Oh really? I wonder why?" I mocked sarcastically as I shoved him with my feet.

"What was that for?" He whined but I ignored him. Turning to Rose as I smiled.  She returned it, her perfect teeth matching the walls.

"I'm so glad you came, I can only deal with him by myself for so long." Emmett protested but I continued. "I'm sorry about the shopping trip getting canceled, I was really looking forward to it."

"That should be the least of your worries, it's okay." She placed a hand on my leg causing goosebumps to form on it. My mind blanked as she looked at me and Emmet started laughing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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