The Illness

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I woke up slowly, my migraine still present, but less painful. I was drenched in sweat. My head felt hot but my body shuddered in coldness. 'Well fuck...' first I was getting migraines again, now I'm sick. Well isn't this just lovely. I looked in front of me towards the coffee table. There sat extra strength ibuprofen, and my favorite breakfast, biscuits and gravy. My face brightened as I took a bite. My eyes became sad but the edges of my mouth were still curled up. 'This is mom's recipe.'

After I was done eating, I took two of the ibuprofen. I looked at the clock on the wall. I saw the time and immediately jumped up. I was late. I ran upstairs, but when I reached the top I felt woozy. I started to fall but felt someone catch me. I looked up to see Zane with a worried expression. "{Y/N} what's wrong?" His voice came out shaky. My vision was blurry and it felt weird to speak but I tried my best. "I don't feel too good..." and just like that, lights out yet again.

When I opened them again I was in a completely white room. My head is pounding and the lights are too bright for my liking. I groaned and tried to roll over. But something was stopping me. I looked down at my arm and a tube was sticking out of it. An IV to be exact. My eyebrows furrowed and I started to sit up, looking all around me. I heard a door click and a doctor with pale blonde hair and incredibly pale skin come in. He gave me a small smile. His eyes were kind. And trailing him was an exhausted looking Zane.

"You're awake, that's good." He looked over a chart as I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurriness. "I'm Dr. Cullen, I'm going to be your main practitioner." Zane was by my side immediately, his hand in mine as he looked at me with puffy eyes with dark circles around them. "Do you know why you're here, {YN}?"

"Uhm, not really. The last thing I remember was I noticed I was late for school, and then when I got to the top of my stairs I felt really lightheaded. I'm pretty sure I fainted." I squinted my eyes, the memory faded from my mind.

He nodded his head writing something down. "Your brother told me you were experiencing migraines. How long has that been going on?" He looked at me intently. His gaze almost burned a hole in me. I shuffled in the bed, the hospital gown uncomfortable.

"After my mom passed away about a year ago, I started to experience these debilitating migraines, which caused me to miss a lot of school. But they went away." I sighed and put my hand to my forehead. My eyes are slightly burning. "Last night was the first episode in awhile, but it was a lot harsher than it used to be." He nodded and he had somewhat of a gloomy look to his face now.

"I'm sorry about all the questions, but I just need to be sure of what's going on. Have you had any loss of memory, confusion, or nausea." He listed some things off of his clipboard. I nod my head slowly.

"All of the above." The doctor tried to keep a straight face but the way his eyes downcast gave him away. He sighed. My brother still held tightly onto my hand. He looked more confused and worried than before.

"Okay, well, I'd like to take some scans. We're going to have to keep you here for a little while just to monitor your condition." I nodded my head. My mind was fuzzy. Whatever was happening was scary. I don't want Zane to lose another person. He's all I have left, and I don't want to leave him. The doctor nodded at me and left the room. There was a beat of silence. My heart racing with worry, I can't even imagine how Zane felt. I felt his hand squeeze mine gently to get my attention.

"Why didn't you tell me what has been going on?" His voice sounded guilty and he looked even more tired than when I first saw him enter the room. "You have to tell me things {Y/N}, I can't help you if you don't tell me." His voice sounded broken. And he looked defeated. It was my turn to feel guilty. He sighed and put my head against his forehead. He was slumped over my bed. I'm pretty sure he was on the verge of crying. And I can only imagine it wasn't for the first time today.

Serendipity || Rosalie Hale x Reader x Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now