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Fuck. The only thing that was going through my mind. It felt like someone was squeezing my chest. And frankly I didn't appreciate it. My brother was sitting in the driver's seat listing off things I should keep in mind. But honestly, his voice wasn't registering in my head. All I could focus on was the pounding in my chest. It wasn't till he shook my shoulder that he got my attention. "{Y/N} you've got this. Just lay back and relax." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. I grimaced and smoothed it down again. "I love you, and make sure you have a good day or I'll beat your ass."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." I replied while grabbing my bag. "Love you, I'll see you after school." I gave a small wave before turning my back on the car. Sighing, I try to prepare myself for the day ahead. Gods, I am going to fucking die aren't I? My hands gripped the straps of my backpack as I walked forward. Doing everything in my power I tried to keep a cool head and walk on. Everything on my body felt heavier as the school building became nearer. My face had an icy look to it, but I wasn't angry.

It took about two minutes before I became lost. This school had multiple buildings even though there weren't a ton of students. It made no sense to me. My jaw clenched as I looked over the map for the umpteenth time. I must've looked lost because it didn't take long for someone to tap my shoulder. "Do you need some help?" Her voice was like bells. I turned to the source of the voice. There stood a short girl who looked like a pixie. I sighed and nodded, my anxiety faded away slowly. Weird. Beside her stood a boy with curly blonde hair. Their hands were intertwined, so I could only guess that they're in a relationship.

"Please, I feel like this place is a labyrinth." I pleaded with the short girl. The furrow in my eyebrows seemed to present still. I honestly just hoped that I wouldn't scare her off by looking like a bitch.

"It can be at times, but you'll get used to it." Her smile felt so comforting. It reminded me of my mom. A pang of sadness hit my chest but I put a small smile on. But just as the sadness came it went. Her boyfriend looked at me intently. Like he was trying to figure something out. But I didn't ask any questions. "I could show you to your class, if you want me to."

"That would be much appreciated." I sighed in relief. She was my savior. "I'm {Y/N} by the way." She smiled again. She must be just a very bubbly person. Her arms were wrapped around her boyfriend. He looked kind of uncomfortable. But I doubt it was from his girlfriend. I think I was the one making him uncomfortable. Must not be a people person.

"Alice, and this is Jasper." He gave a curt nod to me. "Can I see your schedule? It'll help me find your class." I immediately nodded at Alice's request, carefully handing it to her. She scanned it for a few seconds. But finally looked up towards me.
"Oh, your next class is with my brother! I'll show you where it is, just ask him to lead you to your next one. He's super nice so he'll happily help you." There was a glint in her eyes. But I couldn't quite figure out what it meant. She quickly pulled me towards my next classroom. She seemed excited for something. I didn't know her well enough to decide what it exactly was though. We finally arrived at a door that read, 'Mr.Weller'. "Have fun, I'll see you later!" She bid her farewell and waved a bye.

I walked into the honors English class. My mind reeling, I wasn't late but I had no clue where to sit. Everyone had already established their seats earlier in the year. I grinded my teeth together in thought. But I was quickly brought out of my stupor. The teacher said my name and I nodded. He pointed to one of the only seats open.

I quickly turned to see my seatmate already looking at me but I froze. Not in the sense that time was passing. It seemed like the world stopped. The resemblance was uncanny. It sucked the air out of my lungs. This couldn't be right. He looked exactly like my imaginary friend. From his golden-ish eyes, to the way he held himself. This is going to be a weird year, isn't it? I walked towards the seat and sat down. I chewed on my lip. If you looked closely, you could see the furrow in my eyebrow and the stunned expression in my eyes.

Serendipity || Rosalie Hale x Reader x Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now