~~ Hoodwinked ~~

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L stared blankly, letting the words wash over her again.

"My wish?" She stumbled out.

"Yes, those who I deem to be worthy can ask one wish of me. I am asking you to give up your wish in exchange for making right what you did wrong."

L was left a little stunned at first; she knew about the wish but never thought she'd be worthy enough to receive one. There were a number of things she could use it on, so many she could help, and at the same time, her mind went to her parents. She could wish to find them alive and well, that she could go to them and live happily. But something inside her was pushing against it; not only did she want to pay back what they did, but also, a wish like that felt wrong somehow.

"Alright, I give up my wish in exchange for the problems we caused."

Silence followed her words. The Jadavah seemed somewhat surprised she'd give it up so readily. L ignored the feeling that gave her and held the gaze of the Jadavah. It seemed to be looking for something, maybe wavering in her decision? But she wouldn't give it, she'd already come this far to find her parents without wishes. 

The Jadavah leaned against its paws. It appeared to be fascinated with her now. L didn't look away, but she could sense Robbie and Bryce fidgeting and knew they wanted to protest. She willed them to accept her decision, she just needed to get some answers and then they could be on their way.

"If that's done, I was hoping you could help me in a different way." L said when the silence lingered on too long.

The Jadavah's beak twitched, and L realised it was something of a smile.

"I accept your wish as payment, L of the Keepers. What other help can I offer you?"

L felt herself relaxing ever so slightly, and she pushed on.

"I was hoping you could tell me what happened to my parents when they came here. And if you might know where they are now?"

The Jadavah didn't react in any visible way, though its gaze was still pinned to hers.

"I can tell you both of those things, but are you ready for the answers?"

L was about to respond, but she faltered. Her mind was racing through possibilities she'd gone through hundreds of times before. Only now, she was about to discover which one was real. She needed a moment to prepare herself to hear of their fate. She was scared, but she knew she wanted to hear it, no matter how bad it might be.

She took a long, slow breath and calmed herself. She thought back on the life she'd led and her experiences. She looked through her memories; of how she'd had the duplicates of her parents, the visions they'd given her that had felt so real. So if this turned out to be the end of their journey, the end of her parents, she felt those things would be enough of a consolation.

"Okay, I'm ready. I want to know what happened to them."

The Jadavah's beak twitched again, "You are an interesting member of your species, L of the Keepers."

L didn't know if that was a compliment or not, but she waited patiently for the creature to continue.

It extended its paws and gestured to the ground, "I suggest you sit. It is going to take a little time to explain."

L glanced to the guys, both of whom seemed to be peering at her in concern. She smiled reassuringly at them, hoping to show that she really was okay to hear what came next.

They sat together by the pool of water, and all three turned their gaze to the Jadavah.

"Your parents came here looking for answers, that much you know. They caused some trouble, but not nearly as much as you did before they called out for me. When they arrived, I assessed their worthiness and granted them a wish. They used it to ask me about the prophecy involving your kind and wished for me to put an end to it. Unfortunately, I couldn't grant them that wish."

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