Percy - 2

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It was here in cabin 3 on Long Island that Percy sat on his bed. Hunched over and trying to steady his breath, Percy sobbed into his hands.

Earlier that day his long-time girlfriend, Annabeth, had broken up with him to go pursue her career. The whole scene took place just outside the Big House at noon.
Annabeth came out of the house from talking to Chiron and noticed Percy walking by with some younger campers, noticeably headed to sword lessons. She walked right up to him and told him, with no uncertainty or politeness, that she was breaking up with him.
When he began to ask why and chase after her, she turned around and said, "it's because my future is more important than you".

Percy nearly collapsed onto the ground, his jaw was on the floor, and tears streaming from his eyes. He quickly made his way over to his cabin and has been there since. The campers present for the scene quickly spread the news and Annabeth was promptly shunned. Even her siblings wanted nothing to do with her.

The camp has respect for her; yes, however, they hold Percy on another level entirely. The respect for her is nothing compared to the respect the camps hold for Percy. If it wasn't proven time and time again that he is mortal, they would've created a shrine and temple to worship him.
The fact that Annabeth broke up with him in one of the most disgusting ways possible, she has lost many friends and allies. As soon as the Aphrodite cabin got the news, they prayed to every deity that was on Percy's good side (they keep a list handy) and all the romance deity's that he had a better life than Annabeth. Through them, all the Gods soon found out and most sided with Percy. This had Athena frothing at the mouth, to her Percy was a simple-brained sea spawn. He could never live up to her daughter, Poseidon and the other Gods had another idea.

Of course, this was all happening while Percy cried himself to sleep in his cabin. He woke up hours later from his nightmares of the Pit, they were mixed in with Annabeth this time too. All he could think about was a world with no Gods, no world-ending fights, and no responsibility to everyone and everything. All Percy wanted was a chance to be himself, his goofy, friendly, dumb self that holds no requirement to anything. A place where he doesn't have to go to where the fight is, simply because people told him to.

He just wants to live his own life even if it means he'll never see a familiar face again.
He didn't fall asleep again and instead watched the waves roll up and down the coast until breakfast came along. 

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