Zoey Cortess Collins (Supernatural)

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Name: Zoey Cortess Collins

Age: 21

Birth date: April 3rd

Race: White (Angel)

Nationality: America

Physical Description: she is an awkward college student who lives off top ramen and a free gym membership.

Weight: 110

Height: 5'0

Emotional Description: She's extremely awkward but friendly, she doesn't pick up on suggestive behavior very fast. She will cry if she's really scared but can take a lot. She's very loyal despite having no friends outside of the Winchesters.

Hair Color: blonde

Hair Style: mid chest length and straight

Eye Color: green

Eye Shape: round

Clothing Description: she usually wears leggings and boots with a layered shirts and hoodies.

Special Abilities: She has relatively good aim and is very dexterous. She also has good computer skills.

Pet Peeves: other people her age, work, waiting for food

Fav Food: icecream

Enjoys: sleeping

Family: all deceased Mother (Terra Gale) father (Zachary Collins)

Zoey's Relationships with Characters:

Anna Milton: Zoey could careless for her but really didn't trust her. At the time Zoey didn't know she was an angel but upon finding out was very cautious around Anna because they had history.

Balthazar: Balthazar was very close to Zoey, she really loved him. They ended up spending "a night" together, which was Zoey's first time. She attacks Castiel when he kills Balthazar and later brings him back.

Castiel: Castiel was like a child to Zoey while she was an angel, she took care of him. When they meet again on Earth Zoey and Cas don't know she's and angel and she tries to keep him away from the Winchesters.

Gabriel: Gabe is Zoey's favorite big brother because he is the most relatable and sarcastic. They are very similar personality wise because they both tend to be blunt and mischievous. She tries to save Gabe from Lucifer but the opposite ends up happening, at that time Lucifer learns that his precious baby sister is fighting for the wrong side and had become and enemy.

Gadreel: Zoey had her revenge for Kevin.

Lucifer: Zoey's older brother. She was close to him in heaven but after that they seperated. When she's on Earth she stays quiet about the angel thing when meeting him because she fears him knowing would make it worse; which it did. She tries to protect Sam but is unsuccessful in the end.

Metatron: Zoey hates Metatron and never really liked him to begin with.

Michael: One of Zoey older bro's. She likes Michael more than Raphael but still doesn't side with either of them.

Naomi: Is killed by Zoey for hurting Cas.

Raphael: There is some serious sibling rivalry here. They get into several serious fights where one of them gets knocked to the ground or badly injured.

Samandriel: He is the last angel Zoey taught before her fall. She thinks of his as a child of her own and fights with Crowley for hurting him. When she discovers that Cas killed him, Cas gets his ass handed to him.

Uriel: Didn't like him; he was intimidating. Raphael planned on taking over and he knew that Zoey would cause a problem. She was too much like Gabe and Lucy. Zachariah captured the Winchester's several times and killed Zoey without knowing who she really was. Zoey doesn't have to kill him because Michael does that for her.

Abaddon: Zoey sees Abby as an arch rival. She's not scared of Abaddon by any means but Zoey believes that she should be the one who finishes the job. Dean ends up killing Abby but Zoey helps him in the process.

Alastair: Zoey was tortured by Alastair early on because she was aiding the Winchesters. She did fear him and had several nightmares about the torture later on.

Azazel: ol' yellow eyes. He isn't a problem.

Cain: Zoey was present with Dean and Crowley when Cain introduced himself. She had to help fight against the large swarm of demons while Dean was being tested.

Crowley: Zoey adores Crowley. At first they hated each other, and then Zoey got used to his sarcasm and realized that they agreed on a lot of things. Crowley nicknamed her "vix" after vixen, because of her feisty attitude.

Lilith: Lilith horrifies Zoey at first because she takes the form of a small child; Zoey knows that she could never bring herself to harm a child no matter what the circumstance.

Meg Masters: Zoey loves Meg and finds her snide comments comforting in a way. They get along really well and work together several times. She tries to stop Crowley from killing her but is unsuccessful.

Ruby: Zoey hates Ruby. Right from the start Zoey knew she was trouble and, like Dean, tried to stop Sam from being with her.

Bobby Singer: Bobby is one of Zoey's good friends. She met him before the Winchesters and he was like an adoptive rude uncle.

Charlie Bradbury: Charlie and Zoey are great friends and spent a lot of time together. They are both nerds and get along well.

Dean Winchester: Dean was like Zoey's older brother. He took care of her and they got along splendidly. Dean and Zoey have the same sense of humor and like to make dirty jokes back and forth. Dean sees Zoey as a little sister and is protective over her though they tend to argue frequently.

Ellen Harvelle: Ellen liked Zoey immediately and often teased her.

Garth Fitzgerald IV: Zoey saw Garth as a cute little person whom she also found entertaining. She does however get frustrated with him in the way.

Jo Harvelle: Zoey hated Jo. Jo felt that she had to compete for Dean because Zoey was always in her way. That's not what Zoey's goal was, however, Zoey didn't like having another girl in the group.

Jody Mills: Zoey liked and Jody and often got good advice from her.

John Winchester: John did not like Zoey.

Mary Winchester: Mary liked Zoey.

Sam Winchester: Zoey really liked Sam; he was a good friend to her. She liked Sam's maturity and how caring he was. Sam was always more sensitive than Dean and easier to talk to in some cases. Zoey felt that she needed to protect Sam although she did a pretty crappy job at it.

Adam Milligan: Zoey wanted to save Adam but was unsuccessful.

Ash: Zoey found him extremely entertaining.

Becky Rosen: Zoey hated Becky with a passion. She was extremely clinging and wouldn't let go of Sam. Zoey felt like a dog trying to frequently chase Becky away. When Sam 'married' Becky, Zoey went crazy.

Bela Talbot: Zoey was shot by Bela.

Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler: They found Zoey extremely attractive and Zoey found them extremely annoying.

Kevin Tran: Zoey adored Kevin Tran and they became good friends quickly. Zoey eased Kevin into the whole hunter thing and helped work him through everything.

Linda Tran: Zoey thought Linda was very funny but very stern. She tried to be openly friendly but was snapped at several times.

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