Name: Kiara Irene Blackwood
Age: 22
Birth date: September 15th, 1993
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: College studying to be a vet
Nationality: Sweden
Physical Description: short and thin with a small build. She is strong and fast but very clumsy.
Weight: 100lbs.
Height: 5'3
Emotional Description:
Hair Color: Blonde- almost white.
Hair Style: short and curly
Eye Color: violet
Eye Shape: Almond shaped
Clothing Description: She wears a black trench coat with a white sweater and red scarf; she has black shorts with light black tights underneath, red fuzzy socks and black boots.
Family: Calcifer (older brother), he's married and lives in London.
Something about her: She keeps everything in a small journal. She writes down all her thoughts and her adventures it's called "The Blackwood Bible."
Kiara's Relationships with Characters:
9th Doctor: Kiara only met him briefly when she got lost in time; he helped her get back to her time and left her with nothing more than a kiss on the cheek. She wasn't supposed to meet him but she couldn't help being left behind by an alien race that had kidnapped her.
10th Doctor: This was the Doctor she was with the most. She fell in love with him and he too fell in love with her. They saved thousandths of lives together and longed to stay with each other. The Doctor confessed before she did and they began to grow more comfortable with each other. They started holding hands and kissing (gross), then he decided that she should stay with him forever. He asks for her hand and she says yes. Later she's killed and he keeps like an essence or spirit of her in his fog watch. She clings to it and is still able to travel with him.
11th Doctor: She is with the 11th Doctor when she is killed and still clings to him. They are still very close and care for each other greatly. 11 keeps the watch with him at all times so Kiara can be with him and see what he sees.
Captain Jack Harkness: Kiara met Harkness before the Doctor and they became close friends. He worked with Torchwood at the time and kept everything a secret. He they had a close relationship until she broke it off and they decided to be friends, which worked out surprisingly well because he was like a girlfriend and boyfriend at the same time. They run into each other again and reunite with the Doctor.
Rose Tyler: When Kiara first met Rose Tyler, they helped save the Doctor. She liked her kinda but was afraid of losing the Doctor. Kiara was very against her and wanted the Doctor's attention to herself.
Mickey: She only met Mickey once and aided him in taking down an enemy.
Martha: Kiara met Martha before the Doctor did. They were good friends and spent time together.
Donna Noble: Kiara found Donna to be very entertaining and humorous. They went on several missions together with the Doctor.
Amy Pond: Kiara liked Amy Pond though she was jealous of her friendship with the Doctor. Kiara soon realized that they thought the same and had a lot in common.
Rory Williams: Kiara thought Rory was a good match for Amy.
Character Profiles
RandomThis is a compolation of my characters and oc's ; this is to help me practice character development. So you can read if you're interested.