Chapter 2

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She stuffed her face full food right after he said that

How long has it been since you have eaten, you look like you haven't eaten in 2 days

It's been a week actually, my mother thinks it's best for us to starve ourselves to look better in our dresses

I'm pretty sure that's not healthy,but Katy I have a question for you, he said with a serious face

She stopped eating and seeing his face it made her realise that he was serious about this

What is it ?she said.

Do you really want to take over the crown after your sister

She's coughed is this the only reason why you called me here, to ask me questions,what is there a camera too?

She looked around then she looked back at him, why do you care what I do with my life, our kingdoms are not friendly with each other and you know that so why do you want my attention so badly?.

Trust me I don't record people for fun or for money I'm rich and handsome as it is, the reason I'm asking you is because you look far more interested in other things than taking over the throne, I know a lot of girls in my kingdom who would die to be your place but you're different?

It went silent for a couple of seconds

Well if you really want to know that badly, I want to be my own person I want to do whatever I want , one day I even want to build my own kingdom, but I won't do that under my mother's roof,under her guidance and followers. She said that she's continued to stuff her face with an apple pie

I knew there's a reason I liked you, he said with a smirk

What do you mean? She said waiting for an answer

Nothing, nothing "eat your food before it gets cold and there's somewhere I want to take you tomorrow make sure this time you're not late this time.

She smiled slightly

Day two

Finally class of the day is finally over said Katy as she stretched

Katy me and the girls are going to the mall this evening, they asked me if you like to come,it'll be fun don't you think?.

Sorry lola I'm busy today tell the girls I won't be able to make it, I'll try to make it next week considering I'll be busy all week after all.

She said that she stood up packing her stuff to leave the class

Are you okay ? said lola, you've been acting different lately, I'm your best friend remember, you can tell me anything and I won't judge you no matter what.

Katy sat back down she looked around left and right, well since it's only us here, I think I'm in love with the prince, well not in love I think I'm falling in love with the prince

Which Prince Lola said as her curiosity became bigger and bigger

Prince James of malevolent

Oh heavens.

Yes yes I know it's bad bu-

Is that all I thought it was something serious. Lola said as she interrupted her

What do you mean is that all, Lola you know how my mother feels about them especially since she played a big role in that war,she will hate to know that the only man I like is him.

Not only her think think of other people Katy said with fear in her eyes because she always cared about what other people thought of her.

So she put their emotions before her own.

Though the rest of the week Katy saw her self really liking the prince and one day she told him how she felt, he felt the same way,Katy will always sneak out to see him and the stay together for 10 months,her mom had no clue about them because she was never around like usual.

The only person who knew about this was her best friend Lola, she went to the beach with James and had a blast, she came home late and as she opened the door to her house slightly, she tippy toed inside trying not to make noise.

The lights came on

WHERE ! Have you been yelled her mother

MoM ? What are you doing here. you didn't tell me you were coming home

It's my house, i don't need to tell you when I will come and go

I just wanted to make sure you were staying and not visiting she said Katy as she rolled her eyes

Where is this attitude coming form, I AM YOUR MOTHER! she yelled,I'm not your mate okay ? your 21 so act like it

I'm actually twenty two my birthday was 6 months ago, or did you even remember

The room filled with silence

That's what I thought Katy said as she walked away

Come back to her and take off your jacket said her mother



She took it off

He mother gasped, please tell me you gained weight and not pregnant.

Katy said nothing she didn't even look her mother in the eye

Oh my god, I was gone for a couple of mouths and you trun into a whore, at least tell me who the father is.

Katy didn't say anything, she had no words

Her mother slapped her and yelled TELL Me

Prince James, he's the father and I think I really love him

No, no no you don't

Yes mom I do and there's nothing you can do, I am having the baby soon and if you don't like that, I don't care. Tears filled her eyes as she said that

You really are a disappointment, I have aborted you when I have the chance.

This is what your goona do, after you have that baby, your coming with me and leave the baby behind. I'm sending you to a camp for hound princesses

Then what? I can't just abandoned it, IT'S my child.

I DON'T CARE, Either leave him or I would kill him. She said with a serious tone

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