holiday pt.1

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A/N Thank you @sunootoninn for sending this request. I hope you like it. Anyway.. Please note that I make the age difference between the twins and Mirielle is 2 years, the twins are older, obviously. This happens when the twins are 5 and Mirielle is 3.

PS: yep, i move this story here... 

Jackson's POV

"Okay, why are you here alone?" Mark hyung frowned when he spotted me alone with the twins.

"What do you mean alone? Don't you see these two rascals?" I gestured to my twins who grinned at him when they spotted him. They gave him a small wave and Mark replied with a nod.

"I mean, where's Ellie? I thought you were saying that this will be a family gathering, yours and mine," he continued and I grinned as I couldn't hide it any longer. Luckily, his family came forward with their luggage and I pretended to help them with the luggage. The twins greeted Mae who was carrying half asleep Milli (okay.. I know that it might not be the suitable nickname for Mirielle, but I don't care 🙃) in her hand and she smiled back at them.

Around two months ago I had this idea about having a family gathering with the other members, but Bambam, Jaebeom hyung and Yugyeom refused, saying that their kids were still too little to go overseas while Youngjae had a schedule. Seonyoung was keeping her days off for Christmas so they refused to go this time. Luckily, Mark hyung agreed, saying that Mae needed a holiday. I proposed to go to Hong Kong as Ellie mentioned she needed to go there for a conference. I thought she could go to her conference and then on the weekend, she could spend her time with me and the twins and Mark hyung's family, but this was where I got it wrong.

I thought Ellie would attend the conference only on Friday, which was today, but apparently, she still had another session tomorrow as well. We, me and Mark hyung, agreed to spend the weekend at the Disneyland resort before heading back to the mainland to enjoy the rest of the holiday around the downtown area. But... It went out of the window when I realized Ellie would be stuck until tomorrow. This was not in my plan. I couldn't possibly handle the twins by myself. So, I might or might not have this idea that Mark hyung might kill me for. Or not. Depended on how he viewed it. Anyway, I loaded all their luggages in the van that I rented and then ushered everyone in. I introduced the twins to Milli, who decided to open her eyes in the van, since they've only been seeing her through video calls and her photos. The twins had met Mark hyung and Mae before so they were no stranger to them. But this was the first time Milli met me and the twins in the flesh. Well I did saw her twice, but she was still a baby. I visited them once when she was born and one more time when she was about 6 months but I didn't have the time to visit them again, thus my offer for a family gathering.

"Okay, are you going to explain yourself or what?" Mark hyung pestered me again so I had no choice but to tell them about the bad news. "So.. basically you're on your own until tomorrow?"

"It'll be fine though..after all there are 3 adults now, versus 3 kids, so we should be alright," Mae tried to assure me.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly, "Ehm, this is where I have to break yet another bad news..." I could feel both of them drilling holes into the back of my head but I pretended not to be aware of it. "Look, we're near the resort already, so why don't we settle you guys in your room first before I tell you everything?" I pointed to sleepy Milli and they agreed. Soon, I was busy checking them in since it was easier for me to talk to them in Cantonese and then Milli was too tired to open her eyes as this was her first time flying long distance so I let Mae put her down to take a nap while Mark hyung came over to my room to discuss the situation.

"Jackson.. you'd better tell me everything or I'll kill you," he threatened me and I put a finger in front of my lips, pointing to my kids and he let me turn the TV on for them so they were distracted.

"Okay, where were we? Ah yeah.. the plan.. Since I made a mistake for assuming that her conference would only be for one day, I stupidly booked a spa day at the hotel she's having the conference at, thinking that it might be a good reward for her after a full day conference."

Mark hyung looked confused, "I still don't see the problem?"

I cleared my throat, "Well, I'm still planning to sneak her out from her conference and drag her to the spa tomorrow."

He chuckled, "You're gonna get killed for that, you know that? But then again, you like to put your life on the line, so I'll let you kill yourself." He paused for a moment before turning his head around to face me again once he saw the flaw in my plan. "What are you gonna do with the twins? You can't possibly bring them with you to the hotel.."

I grinned again, "That's what I'm going to ask you.. Can you and Mae help me babysit the twins tomorrow? After all, I've booked the tickets for Disneyland tomorrow, which I'm paying for, so the twins will be occupied. You just need to make sure you don't lose them and feed them. Easy."

He scoffed, "That's easy for you to say.. Without you, we're one man down against the kids. Plus I still need to ask Mae about it."

To my luck, Mae agreed to babysit the twins. In exchange for us to babysit Milli the next day. And me paying for the hotel in the resort as well. Which I agreed to without arguing.

"Is there anything that we should know about the twins? Any allergy? Any favorite food? Or maybe any tips and tricks to handle them?" Mae inquired.

"They're okay with Chinese food, they don't have any food allergy and they will love all the snacks there, but don't feed them too many chocolates or sweets. They will get hyper in no time."

"They will be hyper with or without the added sugar, they're your kids after all!" Mark hyung mocked me and I rolled my eyes.

The next day, after breakfast, which the kids loved since they got to take pictures with Mickey and Minnie, I handed them to the Tuans before heading downtown, wishing for luck that Ellie would let me kidnap her and spend some time at the spa during her lunch break. Or, if I got lucky, she would come with me to the room that I booked upstairs. I didn't think I needed to write the details here since I was pretty sure everyone had enough imagination to guess what two adults would do in such a confined room.

Your POV

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Mark questioned as this was nothing that you two was signed up for.

"No, it's okay. We'll be fine.. We got enough practice with your nieces," you reminded him. "Plus, I think it will only Jake that might get wild, so it'll be okay," you assured him.

"Damn Jackson.. If I knew that he would bail out and left us with his twins like this, I wouldn't agree to this gathering," he cursed. He knew that you were always reluctant to be with lots of kids. Hell, you two were arguing about the number of kids that you should get since he wanted to have a big family, while you didn't. Until you gave birth to your daughter and had to undergo a hysterectomy, so you could no longer have more kids. And this holiday was supposed to be relaxing for you, and babysitting the twins seemed like a miles away from his original plan.

"It's fine. Milli gets to meet the twins and plays with them. Plus, he agreed to take Milli tomorrow, so it's a fair trade..."

"Oh well.. if you said so.. let's get to breakfast and start the day. The sooner we take them to Disneyland, the easier it will be for us since they would get distracted by the rides there.. ," Mark scooped your daughter and headed to the door and you followed them. 

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