Girls night (Leo X reader) part 1

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Finally, after weeks of homework and Nightshifts at the grocery store we finally got our night out, a girls night to be more precise.

And that means no boys...

"But I want to come!"

...or male turtles.

"No Leo, we planned this for one month. You only get bored and whine the whole time."

"I behave...promise..."

My eye twitched as memories came back, where they had a guys night out and accidentally damaged the store I work in. According to Raph, it was Leos idea to stop my boredom. The Nightshifts are lame, but total l destruction of the shelves was not necessary. Who in their right mind uses his brother as a bowlingball and hit the shelves to collapse???

"Name one day you behaved?"

He thought for a minute, until he grinned wide, "I helped Donnie yesterday with his eyebrows."

My brow rose in suspicion, "Ah yes, Donatello with eyebrows like Frida Carlo...he wasn't happy...remember?"

Leo shook his head.

"Mikey kept singing the Mc Donalds tune..."

", doesn't ring a bell"

"...Raphael told him that he looks like a famous person and Donnie believed to be Lou juitsu."


I sighted, "you used a permanent marker"

Leo suddenly realised, "Yeah that, no don't remember"

"Anyway, we are going out tonight and you stay here in the lair."

The blue turtle tried his big puppy eyes, begging me to come as this would be fun for us all. But that would be unfair, they had a dudes night out and we weren't invited. So why should we?

But Leo was far from giving up, he wanted to be all cost.

I had to keep it quiet from April as she was already on edge with losing another job three days ago. It was her time to relax and start over again. We went to the hotel at the time square, where we got to get pampered with massages, sauna, spa and even an all you can eat buffet.

Unaware that four mutants have followed us. Unlike us girls that could walk through the main gates, the climbed over the walls.

Inside we had to gasp at the sight. It was really beautiful. A massive waterfall greeted us at the entrance, while plants were hanging over our heads. An oasis as we had imagined. We got our room key and extra robes offered from the hotel. We couldn't believe our luck, jumping on the beds, while screaming like fangirls.

The other four came in from the back door, quietly tip-toeing through the kitchen. Two couldn't help themselves and took a few stuff with them.

After our previous breakdown of happiness, we went through the brochure. We booked it out of season, so we gained more offered on a low budget than usual. The options are endless, but we decided to pick them all together. And of course, the first one was the pool.

The minute we stepped into the elevator towards the ground floor, another one had reached our level. The same four from earlier sneaked into one of the rooms that was currently unavailable. One managed to check on that by climbing ventilation shaft and watched the screen from the reception. As the smallest of them all it was his job to get them a spare room. The others took care of getting it.

Meanwhile, we already got into our swimsuits, also a present from the hotel, and jumped right into the massive pool, trying the slides later on. And it seems the others had the same idea, as one of them saw the slides and demanded to try them out.

The pool time was supposed to be the fun part of the day and it was...for a short time. We jumped at the sound of women screaming. They are staff members of the hotel, pale as a sheet. Hanging on to their supervisor they tried to explain themselves...what they have just seen.

We were all ears on that one, waiting for some drama.

"Ok ladies, what is going on? What happened?"

"There...there..." Her lips couldn't get the last words out.

Another one tried her luck, "M...m...Mon..."


They shook their heads.

"Come on we don't have all day."

It was better to whisper it, unfortunately for us was that bad. We clicked our tongue at that, missing out on the good stuff...

"Monsters...are you kidding me?!"

...or maybe not.

The supervisor was furious at the excuse to frighten the customers with there screams because of some boogieman they saw.I had my suspicion... could it be?

Another group of ladies appeared. They had to perform for a show tonight and just now, someone stole their costumes.

I had a bad feeling about this, "You have to ruin our girls night, don't you Leo."

April ignored the situation, showing me the next thing on the brochure, "We are not here to solve some mystery case, we are here to relax...interested in a little massage?"

Yeah, why not?

Around the corner were the four, watching our every move. Because they were seen on their way to the pool they could try put the slides. But that was no longer the we became their new target.

One grinned evil in our direction, "It's pay back time."

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