Chapter 5

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Taehyung pov

I walk toward her and whispered in her ear

Taehyung:it's going to be a long night baby girl


*Taehyung listen*


Suddenly I felt someone start shouting my name all of sudden someone tap my shoulder

And then I come out from my imaginations

Taehyung: huh yes? *Confused*
Yn: what happened I'm shouting your name from last 5 minutes why are you not answering what are you thinking are you alright*little concerned*
Taehyung:huh umm yeah uhh I mean nothing I was just thinking something*nervous*
Yn:why are you sweating In Winters?
Taehyung:n.. nothing just feeling a little hot I'll take cold shower

Then he left to take shower

(If you didn't understand so let me tell you he didn't said anything romantic to yn it was just his imagination)

Taehyung pov
I came out from shower and I saw that she was sleeping
I sigh in relive
and just because of that I wasn't agreeing to get married I don't wanna make her scared on first night no doubt she is innocent and what if she is virgin*sigh*

Time skip
Next morning
Yn pov
I woke up and when I saw the time it was 8:35am then I turn to my other side but there was no one I sit up then taehyung walked in the room

Taehyung:oh you woke up
Your dad sent your luggage
Yn: thank god I was feeling so uncomfortable in this shirt
Taehyung:you or me*mumble*
Yn: did you said anything
Taehyung: huh... Nothing just go and change then

Time skip
TV lounge
Yn walk downstairs

Taehyung: listen yn all family members are coming to meet us
Yn: yours or mine

Taehyung: both, your dad and my dad both phoned me

Yn: is Kookie coming*excited
Taehyung: who Kookie? is your brother nickname is Kookie?
Yn: no Kookie my friend jungkook
Taehyung: ohh you guys seem pretty close*curious
Yn: yeah we both are very close we both are class fellows since kindergarten even we call each other with nickname like I call him Kookie and he call me kitten*innocently smile*
Taehyung:oh kitten*little possessive*
Yn:do I make something for them?
Taehyung:do you know Cooking?
Yn: yeah I love cooking and baking
Taehyung:nice*little impressed*
Yn: ok then I'll make something for them

Time skip
At dinning table

Author pov
On dinning table yn was between taehyung and jungkook
And all the time she was talking and laughing with jungkook

Taehyung pov
She is talking with him since he arrived and I'm not feeling good at all wait.....

Am I feeling jealous?

No no why would I ?
No I'm not jealous

Tae dad: so taehyung and yn. When you guys are going to honeymoon
Taehyung: honeymoon ? We didn't decided yet
Tae mom: so decide then when will you guys decide huh ? After child?*teasing
Taehyung:*little awkwardly*no mom we'll decide after yn will tell where she wanna go
Yn: huh me?where ever you would like to go
Yn:*shut his mouth with her hand and whisper*shut up Kookie
Tae dad: so it's done you guys are going to Maldives after tomorrow
Taehyung: but dad how can I go now we have started a project I can't leave right now
Tae dad: don't worry son I'll manage everything
Taehyung: but da........
Yn dad: if he want to complete his project first then let him do
Yn:yeah uncle dad is right
Tae mom: firstly we are not your uncle aunty yn and secondly how can he go to office before honeymoon*cute anger
Taehyung: ok I'll not complete the project but I have to give them instructions that how to work until I came back
Tae dad : this is acceptable

Jungkook:*whisper in yn ear* ohhooo you will go to honeymoon*teasing
Yn:*whisper*Kookie I'll kill you shut your mouth
Jungkook: controlling laugh*

And on other side taehyung who was getting jealous but denying to himself

Jungkook: so taehyung, yn I'm giving a party of your wedding so tomorrow you both have to come
Taehyung:hmm we will come*fake smile

Time skip

After everyone leave

In the room

Yn: taehyung did you like the food?
Taehyung:yeah it was good*not so interested

Yn pov
Why he is looking angry on something

Time skip
Next evening
Taehyung pov
I was in my living room waiting for yn who is getting ready in the room I don't understand why girls take so much time to get ready then I heard the sound of heel I look toward the sound and then
I get lost in her

Yn dress

She was looking so heavenly pretty

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She was looking so heavenly pretty

Yn: how's I'm looking
Taehyung:*staring her with mouth open
Yn: taehyung tell me how's I'm looking
Taehyung:*flinch*huh yeah you are looking nice
Yn: you are also looking so good and handsome*she mumbled the last word
Taehyung: ok let's go we are getting late

Time skip
Jungkook house
Author pov
Jungkook: welcome taehyung
*Hugs taehyung
Jungkook: welcome kitten

Jungkook was about to hug yn but taehyung pull yn by her waist a little

Taehyung:thanks for the party jungkook but there was no need of it *fake smile

Yn pov
When I was about to hug jungkook taehyung pull me towards him by holding my waist and his single action was enough to make my heart flutter and butterflies start dancing in my stomach

Jungkook: my kitten got married and I'm so happy so obviously this party was important
Yn : ok let's go and sit somewhere

Author pov
There were alot of guys there in the party mostly yn and jungkook's class fellows and some mutual friends

After sometime
Jungkook: *in mic* ok guys let's dance everyone come on the dance floor with your partners

Jungkook walk toward yn and taehyung
Jungkook: come on guys let's dance
Yn: come taehyung let's dance
Taehyung: I'm not in mood of dance
Jungkook: why bro come on its will be fun *smile
Taehyung: I don't like dance
Jungkook: ok leave him yn come dance with me
Jungkook pull her and walks toward dance floor

Taehyung pov
I was watching yn and jungkook they were dancing while laughing and chatting and they were acting like I don't even exist then Jungkook put his hand on her waist and it was enough to make me fire ball
I walk toward dance floor and pull her and

"I kissed her"

To be continued.........

Don't worry this is not taehyung imagination or it may can be who knows 🤐🤭

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