Chapter 7

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Next morning
Yn pov
I woke up with the rays of sun which hit on my face
I turn toward other side and there was no one and then I remember what happened last night
Yn:*blush*omg I can't imagine it was so romantic*roll on the bed
But where is he?*check time*
Then she did her morning routine and goes towards kitchen where she found a sticky note on fridge

I am going office early because of an emergency

Yn:oh so he went to office

On the other side
Taehyung office
I was waiting impatiently for jimin then all of sudden I heard knock on my door
Taehyung:come in
Jimin walked in my office
Jimin:what happened bro you called me 27 times and said it's an emergency*curious
Taehyung:ummm yeah it's an emergency*looking here an there
Jimin: what happened bro is everything ok why are you reacting so strange today
Taehyung:jimin uhhh I ......I did it with yn last night*biting his lips in nervousness
Jimin: umm so? You both are married what's the big deal in it ?
Taehyung:the big deal is that she was virgin and out of jealousy I went to rough on her and the biggest thing is without even her concern/permission
Jimin: what? Out of jealousy? Why you feel jealous how much I remember you don't like her and if you don't like her then how can you feel jealous?
Taehyung: I don't know bro when her punk friend what ever Kookie hold her waist at that time I wanna punch him so hard *angry
But instead of punching him I did it with her and I'm having so bad feeling about it what if she feel I forced her
Jimin: *surprised*dude are you the same Kim taehyung? The heartthrob of college who did it so many times
Taehyung:no jimin you are not understanding ummm..... I mean What if she got hurt because of me?
Jimin: bro are you in love with her ?
Taehyung: *thinking*me? Love with her umm no no I'm not in love with her why are you saying this
Jimin: because you never cared for any girl after doing it but you are way to concerned about yn
Taehyung: umm no no no I'm not in love but I'm not feeling good as I think maybe she got hurt because of me
Jimin:did you asked her about this that is she hurt or not ?
Taehyung: no ... Even I left house early because I was not in state of facing her

Jimin Pov
He is denying but I'm hundred percent sure that he is falling for her but he is not understanding it

Time skip
Yn pov
What should I make for him I don't even know what he likes to eat
Should I ask his mom?*thinking
Yeah I'll call his mom
Then yn ask his mom that what he likes to eat and she prepared everything

Time skip
Yn pov
I was waiting for him when I heard the sound that main door unlocked
Taehyung enter in the house

Yn: welcome*genuine smile*sit here I'll bring water and give me your bag
Then she takes his bag and bring him water
Yn:how was the day?

Yn pov
Will he not ask how was my day?*pout a little*

Yn:you go change until I serve the dinner
Then he leave for changing his clothes

Yn:why is he acting so cold with me even after what tomorrow happened*confused

Dinning table
While eating

Yn: taehyung I ask mom that what you like and then made all this do you like it?
(*In mind* why he is giving one word answer to me on my every question)

Time skip
After 5 days
Yn pov

Why he is ignoring me for last 5 days? I'm not feeling good
Is he forced to get married to me?
Does he like someone else?
Is he regretting doing it with me?

Many negative thoughts are coming to my mind and I don't know which one is correct

On the other side
Taehyung with jimin in taehyung office

Taehyung: I'm ignoring her for last 5 days and whenever I ignore her her face become so sad
Jimin:are you feeling sad that she is sad?
Taehyung: what do you mean?
Jimin: just answer me yes or no
Taehyung:just being honest yes I do feel bad when she become sad
Jimin:bro why don't you agree you are in love with her
Taehyung:this can't be happened! for me love is nothing but just a trap
Jimin: deny as much as you want but just mark my words you are in LOVE, from last 5 days you always talk with me about her that how you feel bad that what if she got hurt because of you, that how you are feeling bad after ignoring her, best of luck bro i just wish you realize this soon that it's LOVE

Then Jimin left his office
Taehyung: am I actually in love? no it's just nonsense how can I fall in love

Next day
Taehyung pov
I was working in my office cabin when dad asked me to come to his cabin
I walk toward dad's cabin

Taehyung:*Knock knock
Tae dad: come in
Taehyung:did you call me dad
Tae dad : yeah sit here I'll tell you
Taehyung*sit*yes dad
Tae dad : take this
Taehyung dad handed him an envelope
Taehyung:what is this?
Tae dad: tickets for your honeymoon and also I booked your hotel room in Maldive's best hotel so you and yn are going on honeymoon day after tomorrow take tomorrow leave from office and pack your bags
Taehyung:but dad..
Tae dad: no buts and get out
Taehyung:*sigh*ok dad

Taehyung pov
I came to mall because I have to receive my custom made watch
After receiving I was going back when In a shop I saw a dress and I remember yn

The very first though comes to my mind was

"Yn will look so pretty in this dress"

The drees

And without wasting time I bought the dress

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And without wasting time I bought the dress

While driving toward home
Taehyung pov
Why I thought about her when I saw this dress?and why I bought the dress? Why all the time I think about her ? Even I can't focus on work but start thinking about her? I'm really confused about my own feelings?
Taehyung:ughhh oh god help me

After reaching home
Yn: welcome taehyung*smile
After watching a shopping bag in his hand
Yn: what is in the bag ?
Taehyung:*hide the bag from her*nothing it's my watch
Yn:ohh ok go freshen up I'll serve the dinner

Taehyung goes towards there room and he hid the dress in his closet

On dinning table
Taehyung:yn,dad gives me our honeymoon tickets we are going to Maldives day after tomorrow so do all your packing tomorrow
Yn:oh really*kinda excited*
Taehyung:*smile a little on her cute behaviour but hid it*

Next day
They packed there bags
Yn tried to help taehyung in packing but he said he will do his own packing by himself
Because he want to hide the dress from yn

Flight day
At airport
Yn pov
We both bid our goodbye with everyone and then our familys left

While checking our boarding pass
Suddenly a girl called taehyung's name
Taehyung turn
And the girl and taehyung become so excited and

"Hug each other"

To be continued...............

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