Chapter 8

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Yn pov
Taehyung turn and the girl and taehyung become so excited and hug each other

??girl:*excited while hugging*I can't believe I met you after so many years
Taehyung:*excited*I also can't believe you didn't even contacted me after leaving university
??girl: sorry bear
Taehyung:*irritate*I told you so many times don't call me bear you pumpkin

Before she say anything yn cut her off

Yn: sorry for Interruption but taehyung we are getting late*little jealous*

Yn pov
They were talking like I don't even exist here
Don't know why I felt so jealous
So I Interrupt them

??girl: who is she taehyung?*smile
Taehyung:ohh sorry I forget to introduce you both
Roma she is yn my wife and yn she is roma my university friend

Roma: and ex girlfriend*teasing*
Taehyung:*awkwardly smile*

Yn glare at taehyung in jealousy

Yn: nice to meet you
Roma*fake smile
Roma:me too by the way taehyung are you both going to Maldives?
Taehyung:yes we both are going Maldives for our honeymoon
Roma : what a coincidence I'm also going to Maldives for vocations

📢 *announcement

The flight to Maldives will take off in 15 minutes

Yn pov
When we heard the announcement we walk toward the plane

Time skip
During flight
Yn pov
Why God why
Why roma seat is just next to us
During whole flight they both chat about there college days and how they were so close friends
*Scoff*or you can say partners

After arriving at Maldives airport

Taehyung: so where are you staying?
Roma: in xxx hotel and you guys
Taehyung: we are staying at abc hotel

Yn pov
Thank god she is not in same hotel

Taehyung: do you use same number or did you changed the number
Roma: no my number is same
Taehyung: then I'll call you and we'll enjoy together
Roma: would yn like this plan * awkwardly smile*
Taehyung: Why would she dislike it. tell yn ? hmm?
Yn : ummm yeah why would I dislike it *fake smile

Then we leave for our hotel

At hotel
At reception
Taehyung : we booked a room here
Manager: what's your room number sir?
Taehyung: 369 A
Manager handed him the keys

Yn pov
When we arrived at room and taehyung opened the door with card key my mouth and taehyung eye become wide open

You must be thinking that's it but when we walk toward the room so now my eyes and taehyung mouth become open the room was decorated with soooooo many rose petals , candles and balloons

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You must be thinking that's it but when we walk toward the room so now my eyes and taehyung mouth become open the room was decorated with soooooo many rose petals , candles and balloons

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