Chapter 6

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Taehyung pov
I walk toward the dance floor and pull yn and

"I kissed her"

Yn pov
I was dancing with Kookie and suddenly taehyung pulled me towards him and he kissed me I was so shocked that I didn't kissed him back then he broke the kiss

Taehyung:*serious*let's go

Then he hold my hand and walk toward exit

Jungkook:"mission accomplished"*mischievous smile*

day after marriage
Jungkook pov

Jungkook:yn come here
Yn: what happened Kookie?why are you sitting here alone come sit with everyone
Jungkook:I wanna talk with you alone sit here
Yn: what happened is it serious
Jungkook: very much now tell me did something happened last night*naughty smile
Yn:what something?
Jungkook:like what happened on first night of wedding
Yn:what are you talking jungkook tell clearly
Jungkook: *trusfrated*you Dumbo don't you know on first night of wedding new couple do "it" now don't say you don't know the meaning of "it"
Yn:ohhhh "it" no nothing happened*innocently*
Jungkook:*disappointed*you mean not even a single kiss*curious*
Yn: why are you so pervert *hit on his shoulder* no nothing happened
Jungkook:no I mean my idea failed *disappointed
Yn: your idea? which idea are you talking about?
Jungkook: uncle told me to send your luggage to your house but I didn't send your luggage so you'll wear his dress and you guys will do something*little scared from yn*
Yn:*whisper shout*WHAT Kookie are you mad you know I was so embarrassed that I have to wear his shirt*hit on his shoulder*
Jungkook:*laugh*ok sorry sorry
Yn: *hit him with cushion*
Jungkook:*mumble*now I have to do something else
Yn: did you said anything
Jungkook:no nothing*innocent smile*
Yn:kookie when you smile this innocently that's mean you are planning something really dangerous
Then They both started laughing
And talking about random topics Jungkook was aware that taehyung is getting jealous of him so all day jungkook stick to yn and make him jealous

Present day (in party while dancing)

Jungkook:I was not expecting but your husband is quite possessive in your matter*smirk

Yn: no no he was just ........
Jungkook:yeah yeah what huh?*smirk*haven't you seen how he put his hand on your waist *teasing

Jungkook pov
I know taehyung is watching us so I put my hand on yn waist and pull her little close to make him jealous and bang he pull her from me and kissed her

Flashback end

Jungkook:now I'm just waiting for my niece or nephew*excited*

Yn pov
Taehyung walk towards car and opened the door of passenger seat

Taehyung:*serious*sit inside

I sat in the car
And he went toward driver seat

Taehyung: wear your seat belt
Yn: what happened taehyung
Taehyung: I said wear you god damn seat belt*serious*
Yn: ok ok

As he said I weared my seat belt and THEN
thank god he told me to wear seat belt because he was driving the car on the speed of 180
Yn: taehyung slow down the car *little scared*
Taehyung:............*increase the speed

After sometime they reach at home
Taehyung opened passenger seat door then hold her hand and walk toward room
After entering in the room

(read if you are comfortable)

After closing the door He pinned her to door

Taehyung: you were enjoying too much with your friend huh?*glare

There face was just a inch apart

Yn:*gulp*taehyung what are you saying and you are so close*nervous
Taehyung: you are MY wife, no one is allowed to touch you other then ME and understand that, what "MINE IS MINE" ,you are MINE and no one can hold you other then ME*serious*
Saying that he slam his lips to her lips
She was so stunned to react she tried to stop him but he hold her both hand and pinned her hand to the door with his one hand and didn't give a chance to her to make him stop and then he stop for a second and talk between kiss
Taehyung:*deep husky voice*kiss me back

Shiver run down in yn spine by His deep voice and then he again start kissing her with so much hunger and now she kissed him back
His kiss give her butterflies in stomach

Then he goes near her ear and whisper

Taehyung:*deep voice*I can't control any more Let me claim you mine*lick her earlobe*
A thrill run in her body with his words
Yn: taehyung I have no experience it's my first time*nervous**breathing heavily*
Taehyung:are you virgin?
Yn:*slightly nod as yes*

Taehyung attached his forehead to yn forehead
Taehyung:then it's more good I will teach you everything very nicely don't worry you just have to cooperate with me *smirk*
Yn face showed fifty shades of red

Before she say anything he lift her in his arm and place her on bed and hovered on her and start kissing her so roughly and with so much hunger she kissed him back but he was so fast that it was impossible for her to match his pase
Then he bite her bottom lip and when she hissed in pain he took the opportunity and entered his tongue in her mouth and explore each and every part of her mouth
Both of there tongue was fighting for dominance but taehyung wins
And when Yn feel breathless so she tap his shoulder and he stop kissing her and start giving her wet kisses on her jawline at that time she start moaning lightly
Then he start sucking her neck and after a good amount of time he leave her neck and admire the art he did on her neck
And again started kissing her
At that time there clothes was not on there bodies but on the floor
Taehyung was just wearing his pants
And yn was just in her undies
Then he unhooked her bra and throw it away
And start kissing on her cleavage
And yn become a moaning mess
Taehyung:oh so it's your sweet spot*smirk*
Then he start sucking her right nipple and with his left hand he start massaging her left boob
After sucking her right nipple for a good amount of time he start sucking her left nipple and now start massaging her right boob
At that time yn was on cloud nine
The feel she was feeling was so new to her
Then he unzipped his pant and remove her panties
Yn become shocked after seeing that how big taehyung length is
Taehyung cupped her face and said
Taehyung:I'm going to enter don't worry it will give some pain in start but after sometime you will feel the pleasure you never felt before

Without wasting any time he enter a little in her
And yn scream And taehyung come toward her face and kissed her
Taehyung:endure this pain a little

And then he enter a little more and
Yn start moaning loudly
Taehyung:*groan*ahhh you are so tight
After entering in her he start thrusting slowly and yn eyes roll back and she start moaning loudly
He again come toward her face and while thrusting he start kissing her during kiss he increase his speed of thrusting and yn moan in between kiss
At that time yn already cum for twice
After thrusting for sometimes he also shoot his load and pull out his length and led beside her and after 2 minutes when he saw her she was already slept after giving her last peck on her lips he took her in his embrace and drift in sleep

To be continued.........

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