Falling for your Tricks

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Before the events on the roof
Mafuyu walked in later than usual, her mum standing in the doorway staring at a watch.
"Is everything alright, mother?" She questioned.

"You're home late, where have you been?" The woman in the doorway asked.

"At archery, I told you there was a longer practice today."

Her mother looked her up and down like she thought Mafuyu was lying.
"I don't believe you. You were probably out with your so called 'friends' again wasting time instead of studying."

"That isn't true, mother. I was at archery, I'm telling you the truth."

The older woman replied, "I know when you're lying, Mafuyu. Don't think you can make up something about where you were and say it to my face." She pulled the purple haired teenager closer to her looking down on her.

"I'M. NOT. LYING." Mafuyu was starting to feel slightly irritated. "Why do I think I am. Do you not trust your own daughter?"

"Watch your tone. You do not talk to me like that." The girl didn't even realise her change in tone because she was focusing on her mother's words.

"And how dare you ask me if I trust you. Currently I don't, because normally you would bring your archery equipment home." Her mum grabbed her chin lifting it up so she meets her parents gaze.

"The coach told me to leave it in my locker, I never bring it home anymore. How does it take you so long to notice things?"

"Mafuyu Asahina. What is with your attitude right now? I am trying to figure out the truth you are hiding."

Attitude? She was not giving attitude was she? She was just responding to her mother's constant stupid questions and theories.

"What truth are you looking for? Because I have a lot that I'm hiding from you." It was true, that was the truth she could have.

Her parental figure's eyes widened at the comment. "What are you hiding, daughter? You better be faking that. You know that you're not allowed to lie to me."

Mafuyu stepped back from her mum as looking up at her constantly was hurting her neck.
"The only thing I'm faking is my happiness. I'm not happy at school or home, it's all a fucking act."

She had snapped, she couldn't take her mother's comments anymore.

"I don't want to be in the career you want me to be in, I have my own ideas, I don't want to study all the time and I'm done with pretending that I'm okay with you controlling me like I'm a puppet and your my master. "

"Oh my dear daughter. You don't get that choice. Stop thinking you can talk back to me like this, because you can't."

"What stops me, mother? Tell me, I would love to know." Mafuyu was feeling even more irritated and angry by the minute.

"Because I'm your parent, you don't talk to your parent like that. You respect them."

"Why should I give you respect..when you don't give me any?"

"Why are you questioning the one that raised you? You know I have more power in this situation."

"You may have more power, but I have reasonings and many issues I could voice. Like one, why don't I have any freedom.."

"You have freedom. To go to your clubs and study any subject when it's time to study for exams."

"That's not freedom. I want to spend time with people, I don't want to be a doctor. I don't want to follow your orders anymore." Mafuyu explained fully.

Her mother was taken aback. "Mafuyu, go to your room. Now. This discussion is over."
Had she won? Her mother has forfeited, did that year of debate her parent sign her up to pay off.

"Fine. But one last thing, you don't control me."
Mafuyu stormed upstairs, feeling...enraged? She thinks that's what the feeling is. How could she put up with that all her life? The pain hit her like she had been stabbed in the chest.

Was it possible that she was putting up with it for protection? She didn't feel safe at home but she didn't have many choices when she was younger, so she adapted to the lifestyle.

"..What do I know? Apparently to the person down stairs, nothing that I'm meant to know." She whispered, she had ran out of energy so she didn't want to be heard and told off again.

Checking Nightcord, she had realised that there was spam of her tag from Mizuki. They were an amazing partner and human being but it was pretty annoying seeing over 50 pings of her name, especially after her time and energy were wasted with her mother.

"What's wrong Amia." She typed in the chat.

"I just missed you, is everything okay today?"

"Hardly, just argued with the one I call mother and now I don't want to move from my bed."

"Awhh darling, do you want to talk about it."

"No it's quite alright, Mizuki."

That's when another user popped up on the screen.

"Ah, Mafuyu. I'm glad you're online, can you listen to this new part of the song for me."

It was Kanade asking, of course.

"I don't mind, I have time to spare anyways." Mafuyu responded.

So she grabbed her headphones and listened to the audio file K sent over. It was good but because of her current state she didn't feel much towards it.

"It's good, keep up the good work, K." She types before going offline again. She wasn't going to join the call tonight anyways.

"Why does my mother feel the need to focus on my every move? It's like she has no life of her own..."

That's when she hears her name being called. She thought that she wasn't wanted for the rest of the night.

"MAFUYU. Come downstairs please."
She listened only to find out what crap her mother had to say now.

"What is it, mother? I thought I'm meant to be staying in my room."

"I just want to let you know that I've found your tablet and I've blocked any contacts I could find. Don't talk to anyone."

"What..the fuck? Why did you do that?!" Mafuyu yelled.

"Because you don't deserve to communicate with anyone, and I know about your 'lovely partner'. Cut them from your life. They don't deserve someone who lies." Her mother continues.

"I'm done here." Mafuyu says under her breath.

"What did you just say? We don't keep things to ourselves, now do we?"

"I said that I'm done here. I don't want anything to do with you. I'm done with falling for your tricks."

"What tricks?" Mafuyu felt like her mother was just acting stupid.

"The tricks you played to make me believe that you're a good person. When all you have done is attach more and more strings so you can put on a fucking puppet show using me."

She slams the front door open and runs out.

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