Run away with me..!

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After the events on the roof

The two nightcord members walked down from the roof, Mizuki holding Mafuyu's hand for a feeling of safety. They loved her too much to let her jump.

They knew that they considered it all those years back but to their knowledge they were getting..better?

"Mafuyu, are you sure you're okay with my promise? If you're not I can let you go.."

Mafuyu lifted her gaze up to her partner. "Don't leave me..Mizuki. I need you here."

"...You do? If that's the case then I'll help you through the pain. Shall we to to my place? I'm not letting you see your mother right now."

"Hm? Yeah that would be great, thanks"

"Okay! Let's go..!" Mizuki grabbed her hand even tighter and ran out the door with her to their place.

When they arrived at Mizuki's

"Go upstairs, I'll be there in a moment darling." The pink haired teenager tells their girlfriend.

Mafuyu nods and heads to the room of their saviour.
"They don't deserve me..why did they save me."

She sat on Mizuki's bed staring at the wall full of Polaroids of them together and fashion designs, it was really pretty and Mafuyu found it cute how they kept the photos they took together.

After a few minutes, she had zoned out forgetting where she was.

"Mafuyu! Is everything okay up there?" Mizuki's voice could be heard from the bottom of the stairs.

She gave no response.

"..Mafuyu?" The voice was getting closer. She could pick up on the voice but wasn't able to respond, it was like she was trapped in her thoughts.

Mizuki slowly opened the door.

"Mafuyu! Respond to me, is everything alright?" They started to panic a little, their girlfriend was okay right?

"Ah! Mizuki, fine. There's nothing wrong." Mafuyu eventually snapped out of it.

"No it's not. You were trapped in your thoughts again weren't you?"

"Well yeah..but there's nothing to worrying about dear..!"

Mizuki looked at Mafuyu thinking that she might be covering up her feelings ever since they left the roof.

"Alright then. But seriously tell me if you need anything, please." They grabbed Mafuyu's hands and sat down.

"Yeah okay..I promise I will. That will be my promise to you to repay you for caring for me." Mafuyu replied, putting her head on Mizuki's shoulder.

"You don't have to repay me Mafuyu, I'm your partner for many reasons, taking care of you through times like this is one of them. I love you, okay?"

" you too. Also I like your wall, it's cute." Mafuyu says slightly blushing and hiding her face from Mizuki.

"Awhh thanks, I hope the photos look okay! You look amazing in them my love."

"They are being so nice to me, is this what comfort is because they're making me..flustered?"
Mafuyu thought.

That's when she heard Mizuki talking again, the last thing she hears is,
"Mafuyu, I have an idea. It may be crazy but hear me out.."

Mafuyu doesn't know what to expect after tonight. A lot has happened and Mizuki can be really over the top with their plans sometimes.

"What's the idea, dear?" She questions, curious to know what this 'crazy' thing may be.

"Let's run away together! I mean, I'll help you leave home, we can leave our pasts, leave nightcord. Find a new music group together. I want a new life and I want it to be with you..!"

Run away with them? Where would they go together?!

"Huh? Run away? I can't leave home, my mum would kill me," She starting stressing out, going a little pale. "I love the idea Mizuki, but I can't.."

Mizuki had a worried expression on their face. "It's alright Mafuyu, we can make it work, it just takes a bit of tricks and a tiny amount of convicing."

"My mum doesn't want me in contact with you Mizuki, let alone leaving with you." Mafuyu sat up and she felt herself shaking.

"She doesn't need to know where you have actually gone, I can lie for you. I am willing to make that sacrifice for you." They explain pulling Mafuyu in for a hug.

"We can restart our lives Mafuyu, don't you want to forget the past..?"
Mizuki whispers in Mafuyu's ear.

The one with purple hair whispers back, "I..I do. I want to leave everyone and everything but you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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