Interview, Kiss

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Getting nervous once he was standing in front of the building the idols were in, Yoongi stepped in and walked to where front desk was. "Hello..I'm here for an interview for a stylist for BTS?" The lady looked up and placed her hand on her cheek and her elbow on the desk. "My, aren't you just adorable?" Yoongi blushed and rubbed his neck. "But anyways, yes, what is your name?"

"Min Yoongi. I got called by the management for an interview." The lady looked him up. "Ah, yes. Here you are. Go ahead, it's on the 3rd floor. Good luck~" Yoongi smiled and bowed to her, walking to the elevator to get to the 3rd floor. "Interview..interview..come on Min Yoongi, you can do this. This is for your best friend and crush of 5 years. You can do this..for Namjoon." Once the elevator dinged, he walked out to find the room for the interview. Finding PD's office, he knocked gently before hearing a 'Come in', opening the door. "Mr..Hitman Bang..?" he asked. "Are you Min Yoongi?"

"Yes sir."

"Come take a seat."

Yoongi sat down in front of the desk, sitting up straight with papers in hand. "Interview for BTS' stylist? What made you apply?" PD asked. Yoongi cleared his throat, "Well. I've been a stylist for many other celebrities, and I wanted a fresh new start. I have some photos if you would like to see, sir."

"Of course." He handed the male his pictures and papers. Getting nervous as he twiddled his fingers. "No need to be nervous, Yoongi. Is this your first interview?"

"Yes, sir."

"And these are pictures of what you did?"

"Y-yes sir..they're outfits I made myself and props I made myself. The poses were mine." PD placed the pictures down and looked at the male in front of him. Giving him a smile. "Welcome to the team." Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "O-oh! When- when do I start?"

"Next week on Monday. It's BTS' show on that day, and we needed someone for that day. Now we have you! Congratulations." A smile grew on Yoongis face. Standing up and bowing respectfully. "Thank you sir. Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I just need some details from you."

After everything was done, Yoongi got a staff shirt and some gifts as he walked out of the building, immediately met with a camera. "Min Yoongi! Say hi!" he furrowed his brows. "Hello..? Why are you filming me?"

"Did you go visit RM?"

"No. Now please stop filming me." Yoongi gently pushed the phone away, walking to his apartment. Feeling a person watching him. "Please stop filming me." The person with the camera got closer. Yoongi pushed them away and started running, getting inside his apartment and locking it, shutting the lights off and walking into his room. Immediately texting Namjoon.

I'm going to be on the news and the video is not pretty.
Just ignore it, okay?
I also got the job as your guys' stylist. I don't know who I'm assigned to.

Hey. I saw it.
Don't worry about them.
And WHAT?!

Yoongi laughed, laying down on his bed. falling asleep holding his phone up. His phone hit his face a moment later, waking him up. "Ah." He checked his notifications, seeing Namjoon had texted that he was assigned to him. His eyes widened as he smiled brightly, turning on the bedroom light. "I'm with Joonie~ I'm with Joonie~" not realizing he accidentally hit the call button when he dropped his phone on his face. "I should be more fancy with him, should I do my hair? Put on some makeup? I want to look good for him so he notices me more now that I'm his stylist. OH NO- what if he's to busy to try and date me, what if- what if-" Thoughts started spiraling in his head, falling onto his bed and hearing the boop of his phone. "What?" he looked at his phone.


Now trying to not hyperventilate, he sat up on the comforter. "Oh my god, he heard that. No, no-no no-no." he took his phone as he texted him.

Im sorry you heard that.
I didn't think I was calling you.

You're adorable, aren't you?
I would love for you to get all ready for me.
You don't need nakeup, baby, you're pretty either way <3
And we can date, just in secret.

Your schedule, though.
You might be really busy.

I don't care about that
I just want to be with you.
What does this mean for your shop?

Yoongi sighed softly. He had to permanently close up his shop if he wanted to be a stylist. "Close up shop.." he mumbled to himself, then hugged his knees as he stared at the question Namjoon sent. He wrote back a 'close up permanently' before staring at the screen. Tears fuzzing his eyes. He loved that shop to death. He then heard a knock on the door. Standing up and walking over to the peephole to see who it was, immediately opening the door and pulling his friend in. "Namjoon! What are you doing here!"

He pulled him into his room. Namjoon stared at his friend then pulled him into a kiss, catching Yoongi off guard. Yoongis eyes widened as he kissed back, his arms snaking around his neck. Namjoon pulled away and looked into the others eyes, watching his cheeks grow rosy red. "Aww~"

"Shut up."

"You kiss real well. Have you dated anyone before?"


His eyebrows raised. "I was your first kiss?" Yoongi rubbed his neck. "Yeah..sorry, I didn't tell you." Looking away, he felt a kiss on his cheek. "You're adorable."


"Yes you are~"

"You should probably..get back to your bandmates. They're probably waiting." he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon looked at the time. "Oh, right. Also, I just wanted to let you know that you are going to be a fantastic stylist. I'll see you on your first day, okay?" He kissed the shorters nose, walking off and out the door. "Bye Joonie!-" he sat on the bed, looking at his hands. Smiling gently. "I'll see you on my first day, Joonie. I'll see you."

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