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By the time the sun rose that morning, there was only one person left sleeping. Of course, this was Luffy. The rest ran around frantically, excited to explore the first land mass they had come across in almost a week. The crew had already eaten, taking advantage of their captain's state.

Sanji was dutifully preparing a meal for his captain, nami was scanning the horizon, shouting instructions back to usopp. Zoro was, like usual, doing his own thing, slowly pulling the warmer clothes up out of the cabins and getting the ropes ready to tie up the sails.

Just before the crew reached the island, a yawning, hangry Luffy emerged from the cabin, stretching his arms before reaching a certain point and retracting his hands with a wince and grunt of pain. Nami watched him with concern as he entered the kitchen. 

‘NAMI!’ Usopp bellowed, unsure of where to go. Nami snapped back into focus and shrieked as she saw how close they had gotten to the cliff. Zoro rushed over to help usopp with the rudder. The mary scarcely avoided the cliff and followed the bank around to a small beach.

They anchored the boat and all jumped into the dingy, yelling out for their captain to hurry up. A much happier looking Luffy emerged from the kitchen, followed by Sanji who was carrying everyone's lunches in the bags he had carefully slung over his shoulders. The small boat dipped further into the water as all 6 of the crew piled in.

Zoro and Sanji each took a paddle and made their way onto the beach. They docked and dismointed the small wessle and Zoro picked the it up and carried it up the beach where the tide wouldn’t be able to get to it. He dumped it on the bank and dusted his hands off.

Nami stayed near her captain, well aware of his swaying. She offered him her shoulder, which he accepted with a grin, leaning onto her. The 6 of them followed Zoro off down a small, thin path. It only took a few minutes for the swordsman to get himself separated from the rest of the crew.

The others decided there was no use trying to find each other, and instead agreed that if any of them got split up, they just needed to find their way back to that beach. Knowing this, nami zoned out, tired from restless nights she spent worrying about her idiot captain.

Before she knew what was happening, her eyelids began to droop. She felt luffy stop and she looked around. She remembered vaguely registering the fact that the others were all gone and muttered the phrase, ‘idiots.’ before collapsing onto Luffy's back.

Since their navigator was asleep, and the crew had been split up, nobody noticed the weather go from sunny to raining in a matter of minutes. Even when he did notice it, Luffy didn’t think to do anything except to wrap nami in his own shirt to prevent her from getting cold.

He was covered in bandages, and they managed to keep him warm, not that he had even considered his own temperature, him being that much of a moron. All over the island the straw hats were having the same thought. We/I should find shelter. We/I can regroup with the others after this storm. 

As soon as Chopper had gotten separated, he had decided he didn't like being alone and went off in pursuit of Zoro. Finding him was no trouble due to the reindeers insane sense of smell. When he did, the stupid swordsman was, of course, asleep, leaning against the tree. Chopper sighed and trotted over, shaking the swordsman's arm to wake him up. 

‘Huh?’ the groggy Zoro said, looking around. He looked down at chopper and then stood up, stretching. It was only now that he noticed the rain. ‘When did this start?’ he asked, still groggy. 

‘Not important.’ Chopper squeaked, dismissing him. ‘We’ve got to go find cover. This looks like a big one. One minute it was sunny, and then this.’ he said, throwing his arms up on ‘this.’

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