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Luffy's wanderings had led him all over the hotell. First to the kitchen, where he ate as much as the cooks would allow him, and then to the courtyard outside. He sat there now. It was about 5 pm, and he paced around the gardens looking for something to do.

He wandered for a while before he realised there was nobody there. Realising this, he fell back onto a bench and pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his head on them in a manner that allowed his gaze to remain on the gardens. He had really hoped that this game would be fun and action packed, but all he had done was walk through some grass.

He wondered what the others were up to. Nothing Zoro and Sanji couldn't handle, he was sure, but he was more worried about robins group. He knew that when push came to shove, chopper could defend himself, and robin could too, but usopp was a bit more of a worry. And it sounded like that wasn't even the issue.

It wasn't a test of strength, it was a test of wits. This put him at ease. Of the members in his ship, the ones with less fighting capability had good brains in their heads. If only the same could have been said for his fighters. He sure knew he was as dumb as they get. And that it put all the other people around him in constant danger. Like his brother, who had died because his own brother wasn't strong enough to look after himself.

Oh no. Luffy thought. Here we go again.

Nami's first stop was the kitchen, knowing food would be the first thing a bored luffy would think about. She pushed the large doors open and stepped into the caffe type foyer. There were small tables scattered around the room, and the opposite wall had windows built into it that opened onto the kitchen. She walked up to one and stuck her head in.

'Hello?' she called. One of the men passing by hurried up to her.

'How can I help you?' he asked.

'Im looking for a teen wearing a straw hat who has a massive appetite.' she said, wincing at how this was the best description of her captain. The man chuckled and nodded.

'He's come through here. You just missed him.' he looked past her and pointed to the door opposite the one she had come through. 'He went out that way, so I'd probably recommend checking the gardens.'

'Thanks.' nami said, waving as she turned and ran out the way he had pointed. The man watched her go, and an older woman appeared behind him.

'What a strange group we have at the moment.' she said. The man in the window just nodded, before returning to his work.

Nami headed in the direction the man had pointed out to her and eventually ended up in the garden. For some reason, she got a feeling she would find her captain there.

'I have a preposition for you, since you're clearly an intelligent woman.' the second masked figure said. 'I have a block of ruins here. If you can read what's written on them, I will let you go free.'

Robin breathed a barely detectable sigh of relief. My god, had she been lucky.

'Sure thing.' she said. 'Lets see it.'

The masked figure leaned down and pulled up what appeared to be a miniature poneglyph.

'It says 'here lies our beloved king. Born 1406, died 1500.' Robin deciphered. The man removed his mask, horrified.

'You are a truly remarkable woman.' he gasped. The girl lowered usopp down and he clambered onto the floor, pulling the gag off his mouth and standing up.

'Haha, those two didn't scare me. I never doubted you for a second, robin.' he lied, shaking. Robin chuckled and turned to the man.

'What now?' she asked.

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