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Nami yawned and stretched, and luffy slid her down from his back, setting her gently on the ground. She froze and looked between the two men and Luffy.

‘We’re not lost, are we captain? I gave you pretty clear instructions.’ she scolded.

‘No, this is the spot.’ luffy chuckled, grinning at her. At that moment, the front doors burst open and a group stepped through, looking out of breath.

‘So sorry to keep you waiting.’ said an elderly man. ‘This phase of the game is designed to test the captain's strength. You have one night in shanty town to rest, eat and prepare. Tomorrow, you begin your match. However, the two of you split up here and will not see each other until tomorrow morning.’

‘Huh!’ exclaimed Nami, looking horrified. ‘You’re going to seperate us?!’ luffy didn’t seem to mind. He was still grinning. A girl about their age stepped towards nami, smiling. 

‘If you’ll come with me Mrs, I will show you to your room.’ Nami glanced at Luffy to see what to do. 

'Well, see you tomorrow, Nami. Night!’ he said, also turning to face her. Seeing that her captain was going to be no help, she sighed and followed the girl as she turned and walked through the giant gate. Luffy was left behind with the original group.

‘Hello sir.’ the elderly man said. ‘You will call me sensei. I am in charge of your preparations. This phase of the game is fairly simple. You will fight ten creatures of ten different levels in that arena there.’ the man said, pointing to the giant stadium. ‘You have tonight to relax and tomorrow morning to prepare. We will now show you to your hotel room. Please follow us,’ he explained. Luffy didn’t really get it, but he knew it was a fighting game, so he was perfectly content to do what he was told. He grinned and nodded.

‘Alright old man.’ he said. The man promptly threw him to the ground. 

‘I told you. It's sensei.’ he scolded.

‘S-sorry.’ luffy whined from the ground. He got up, grinning again, and followed the man.

Zoro and Sanji were fighting again. Their challenge was not much. They were locked in a room full of wild animals, but it was something that the two of them were completely used to, so they just ignored the threat. Instead, they started harassing each other for how unfortunate they were to be stuck with the other person. Eventually the two ran out of ways to verbally assault each other and began to fight. 

‘I’m sick of your cockiness!’ Sanji cried as he lunged in for an attack.

‘Oh yeah?’ Zoro responded, blocking the hit and throwing in an attack of his own. ‘Well I'm tired of your shitty face!’ 

Behind them, the giant spider crept closer.

‘Well im tired of your stupid green hair!’

‘Your one to talk with your idiotic eyebrows!’

The spider lunged for an attack and the two turned at the exact same time.

‘YOUR SNEAKING IS GETTING ANNOYING! SHUT UP!’ they both bellowed as they beat the poor creature to a pulp. From a building a few blocks down, the game masters watched the two through secret cameras, their jaws on the ground.

Robin stood frozen in place, staring at usopp and chopper as they dangled in front of her. Turns out, the ‘subjects’ that the little boy had mentioned were the two of them, and they weren’t exactly loving it. Below them was a desk where two masked figures sat facing Robin.

‘Welcome.’ one of them said. It was impossible to tell which. 

‘Please select your first subject.’ another added.

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