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The boys were hurried out of the room in perfectly tailored suits, and picked up again by the little girl who hurried them along.

'Your crew will all be there by now. The final phase begins in 15 minutes. The game master will be nearing the building as we speak. We have to hurry it up or we'll miss it.'

The two men had no clue what she was talking about, but they went along with it, following her down the packed streets to a side entrance in the giant stadium. They jogged through the halls and staircases, eventually winding up outside a guarded door. The man standing by it knocked three times and it was opened, revealing the entire crew, minus the captain, laid out on the other side. Zoro and Sanji were led through and placed in the two seats next to nami. 

'Morning boys.' she said, waving. Sanji promptly passed out, and Zoro let him drop to the floor before dragging him over to the couch and throwing him on. 

'Bloody pervert.' he muttered, taking his seat beside the navigator. 'How did you guys go?'

''We got strung up over the pits.'' Usopp said matter of factly. 'But I can assure you that it didn't phase me at all. I had full faith in robin's ability.' This indicated to Zoro that Usopp was crapping himself and Robin saved his arse. 

'Right.' Zoro said. 'And you navigator?'

'Well, we had to find our way here through what they called the 'sea of grass', but I slept through most of it, so I'm not really sure.'

Zoro nodded. As the group faded into silence and Sanji sat himself down on the chair, the stadium began to still. There was a loud bang as the doors opposite them were thrown open and a man strode out, arms raised. A massive roar rose from the crowd, which quickly died down as the man began to speak. 

'Ladies and gentlemen, hello and welcome to the final phase!' 

This was followed by another massive cheer.

'Now, now, I know you're all excited, but save your voices for the match. So far, this crew of 7 has demonstrated excellent intelligence, strength, navigation skills and stamina. Will the captain be able to live up to the expectations the crew has set so high? How will he fight, and how long will he last in THE STADIUM!' 

This cheer was the loudest yet, and carried on as the man strode across the field and disappeared below the glass panel. As he entered, there were three knocks on the door and two people entered. One was a man and the other was a woman. Both were extremely beautiful. They took a seat, one on either end of the bench, and watched the stadium, looking ecstatic. 

 Shortly after, a man appeared. As soon as he entered the room, it was clear to the others that he was person of authority. It was portrayed in the way he breathed, the way he moved. 

'Hello there.' he said, smiling. 'I am the game master. What a pleasure it is to meet you all.' 

The crew watched him as he approached and sat in the centre chair.

'Hey.' said Nami, knowing this was a guy they wanted to be on good terms with. He picked up one of the transponder snails and winked at them. 

'You guys are gonna want to watch this.' he warned, before turning to address the crowd through the glass, speaking into the transponder snail.

'Once again, I thank all of you for coming. It has been a true pleasure to watch this crew in action, but it's about time for the finale. Please give a warm welcome to captain monkey D luffy!'

At his announcement, a figure dressed in black wandered onto the field, beaming. The crew knew right away that this was their captain. He carried a giant club, but was otherwise unarmed. The crowd flew into a fit, screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs. Luffy looked surprised to see so many people and only just seemed to realise that he was alone in the middle of a giant field. 

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