Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 •
*Flashback of Badge and Franklin’s first time meeting*

They're playing Cops and Robbers in a playground.
Badge is the robber, Franklin is the cop.
Franklin is sweating all over, tightly gripping his imaginary gun with his hands. He's breathing heavily from running all around the playground, he eventually catches up to Badge and was finally able to corner him into a granite corner.

Badge looks away from the cop and towards the floor, both hands against the wall behind him, "Franklin you caught me."
"End of the line, Holster."
Badge raises both his hands upwards with his wrists together, "I suppose you'd be wanting me… In cuffs?"

Silence lays over the two for a brief moment.

"Before I take you in, Holster. I need to know… I need to know that you know what you did was wrong," Franklin states, "Wrong?.. What is wrong in this upside down world we call Promise Hill?- I- I'm sorry I.. This feels wrong! I hate this! I hate the guilt, I hate trying to escape I-I hate trying to do the wrong thing.. I know we've been playing all afternoon but… What if we switched?"
Badge looks directly into Franklin's eyes, taking a short breath before his next thought.
"What if I was the cop? And what if you tried to choose the life of crime?" Franklin thinks about what his friend had just proposed to him, thinking about a better, more honest option.

"Promise Hill is a hill built on rules Holster, rules I cannot break. Crime doesn't pay.. And I intend to be a wealthy man."
"Well you could be a criminal with rules! think about it. A series of set principles carved into stone, you could be the gentleman-"
Franklin raises his imagery guns up to Badge's face "Hey- hey now, no need for that we're just talking here."
Franklin cocks his imaginary gun pushing it further towards Badge, causing him to push further on the granite wall.

"How ‘bout this; the honest criminal and the gentle copper, think of the pairing we'd make!" Badge gestures when naming the positions.
"We would solve- I would solve high class fancy crimes you committed in the society papers. Wouldn't it be great?" Badge leans forward and raises his voice slightly at Franklin.
"I've got it! I'm gonna close my eyes, I'll close my eyes and when I look you're gone! And I want you to commit a principled crime which I can solve!"

Badge stretches his arm out, offering a hand to his friend "What do you think?"
"...One condition holster."
"Name it." A smug expression appears on Badge's face.

"We live in a world of rules where all things must be bound by balance, if I am to be the honest crook then you must be the dishonest cop."
Badge looks away, sighing slightly with a hand placed over his face.


Badge quickly points his hand towards his honest partner and immediately shoots him in the leg with his imaginary gun.
"Haha! I like this game"

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