chapter 2

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Chapter 2 •
Jensen opens the door to his house, trying to be as quiet as possible. He raises the keys to the door jingling them as he shakes slightly and he sneaks in.
He looks around the house, up the stairs, into the living too but he can't seem to find Janice.

"Good evening Jensen"
A voice was heard from behind him
"H-honey hi… You- you okay?" He stutters in surprise
“Very well thank you." Janice responded.
"You look, um, y-you do look well." Jensen continued stuttering.
"Are you going to ask how they are or?" Janice looked at Jensen who had a slightly confused look on his face, "The triplets.."
"Oh! Are..are they still in there?" Jensen quickly responded.
"Are they still in there?! Yes, are you feeling alright?" She says with a slight undertone of sarcasm.
"I-I’m just feeling a little flustered", "Do you want a glass of water?" She couldn't believe he had forgotten about the triplets.

"What are you still doing up?" Jensen asks.
"Waiting for you, wanted to show you this." Janice turns away for a brief moment, picking up a thin piece of plastic before explaining "It's a scan of our triplets, which I had today. . . Alone, without you."
Jensen's expression quickly changes to one of surprise as he repeatedly apologized "Fuck I’m so sorry. Franklin had a job and we need that money, the kids are on their way."
Janice just nods at him and he speaks.
"So what were you doing?"
"Franklin had a job and he had to have me work in the car shop, there was quite a nice motorbike there today."

Janice paused before asking "Can I ride on the motorbike next time?"
"If I'm ever called back into the shop to deal with it then yeah." Jensen replied.

"I've been thinking about the motorbike. . I know you really want it." Jensen only stares and Janice, he doesn't dare interrupt.
“I'm getting a company car soon, a police car. I was thinking we could get you insured and we'd be set for life."

"The thing is the bike was just a job, Franklin has another one for me next week. . ." Jensen looks down at his feet “Next week!? I'm having another scan! You're going to miss it again?!" Janice rather angrily exclaims "And after the scan we're going to see my Sister! You can't do the job, you have to come with me and the triplets to Scotland!"
"Scotland? Ah shit. . .Honey, um. okay you're right yeah, I'll be there."

Jensen shuffles slightly in place, looking around as he tries to figure out how he's going to tell Franklin he can't get there next week, he can only wonder what Franklin will say.

"Make sure you're there now." Janice says to Jensen while walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

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