4. secret rendezvouses

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"Is this how it is when you guys sneak around? I feel like I'm about to piss my pants every ten seconds."

Giuseppe had a wadded-up napkin pressed against his temple.

I pushed the baseball cap I was wearing further down on my head, peering through the blinds of the closet-sized office space.

We had opted to sit at the cluster of desks used, traditionally, for our transitional or rotating staff. Currently unused, it was the perfect spot to discuss recent developments.

"Peppe, you've gotta relax."

His eyebrows shot up, "I'm trying, but if Terra catches me with you, she will turn me into prosciutto," he used his hands for emphasis.

I threw him an incredulous look.

"It's true. She told me, expressly, not to communicate with you outside of recovery and friendly matters," he made air quotes.

"This is friendly. You're my friend, and you're helping me with my recovery. Now, stop freaking out and give me the breakdown."

He huffed, squinting so he could see through the blinds.

"I'm going to run a background check on these two accounts and follow the transactions," Giuseppe folded the post-it note in his hands.

"And ongoing transactions," I reminded him.

"And, ongoing transactions. Am I free to go do my real job now?"

"You've always been free. You're here by choice."

"You know, if I didn't admire and respect you, your ass would be grass," he pushed back in the rolling chair.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm desperate. And I promise not to ambush you at work anymore. We'll meet in public next time. Thank you – I owe you," I smiled at him.

"Yeah, you do. Next time, you can at least bring me lunch. I'm not cheap either. I enjoy fine cuisine, in case you've forgotten."

"You got it. Whatever you want."

He moved toward the door squinting at me accusatorially.

"I'm sorry, okay? I've been distracted, to say the least."

His mouth twisted, "Maybe we can make reservations at that place with the good bone marrow in Culver when you're feeling better?"

My smile was genuine, "I'd love that." 

I put a hand on his arm, "How are things here?"

"Off. I mean, it's bad, for obvious reasons, but leadership has been especially reticent, and Terra is... different. I can't place it, but she's," he paused to search for a word, "affected."

I nodded, and Giuseppe departed, leaving the door ajar.

"Just the person I was looking for. Office, now," Terra had her hand pressed against the door like a parent catching a teen in some nefarious act.

"I'm feeling much better, thank you," I followed the diminutive powerhouse down the hallway, people parting ways on either side to make room for her in her pencil-thin stilettos.

"Collins, I don't have time for your lip. It's late, and I want to go home, and you're not supposed to be here."

"Funny, I thought you lived here."

She strutted with the same authoritative confidence into her office, "Sit."

I obeyed, assessing what kind of mood she was in.

"You thought sneaking in here after hours would keep me from finding out?"

"No. But, I thought it would increase my chances."

Be Good Mrs. B | Spies, Lies & Butterflies Book #2Where stories live. Discover now